
  1. Open the file named after you.
  2. Each file should have 7 lines - these are the name of a method, and its location, under manageiq-ui-classic/app/controllers/
  3. For each potentially dead method, look if it's really dead and add your findings to the file...

For example, for file:

dead_method    fake_controller.rb
undead_method    fake_controller.rb

you would mark dead_method as just dead, and add the place where undead_method is being used.

dead_method    fake_controller.rb
undead_method    fake_controller.rb
	alive - called from fake_controller#foobar
  1. After you've gone through all the methods, commit the file (not on master!), and push it to github
  2. Then create a PR with that updated file.
  3. Edit the description of the PR - mention all the things you tried when looking for those methods.