
A set of Extensions to Unity's Visual Scripting that integrate XR Interaction Toolkit features.

Primary LanguageC#


Visual Scripting extensions for XR Interaction Toolkit


This experimental package is developed by me, not Unity. Unity does not support experimental packages and does not guarantee that experimental packages will be fully released and verified to be safe to use in production.

About this project

As part of the Road to Metaverse, Creator Series, I am developing a set of extensions to Unity's Visual Scripting that integrate XR Interaction Toolkit features. This project also serves as a learning and documenting exercise to ensure better on-boarding as we start creating XR experiences.

Check out this fork of the XR Interaction Toolkit Examples that integrates these extensions and contains examples for Visual Scripts re-creating the C# versions in the Demo scene. See release notes below for supported features.

Getting started

Visual Scripting extensions for XR Interaction Toolkit is a Unity package. To import it into your Unity project follow the below steps:

  1. Open your Unity project and select Window > Package Manager from the file menu bar

    This package requires Unity 2021.3 and above.

    Package Manager Add

  2. Click the '+' icon within the Package Manager and select "Add package from git URL..."

  3. Paste https://github.com/jeromemaurey/VisualScripring.Extensions.XRIT.git into the text field and click "Add"

    Package Manager Add

  4. Visual Scripting extensions for XR Interaction Toolkit is now be installed within your Unity project as an read-only package within the project's Packages folder named Visual Scripting extensions for XR Interaction Toolkit.

  5. Open the Project Settings Edit > Project Settings... and select the Visual Scripting tab.

  6. Expand the Node Library list.

    Package Manager Add

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the list, click + and add the VisualScripting.Extensions.XRIT namespace.

    Package Manager Add

  8. Click Regenerate Nodes.

    Package Manager Add

And you're done!


Reference event nodes (v0.0.1)

Package Manager Add

Changing a material color on select (part of this project)

Package Manager Add

Release note

Version 0.0.1

  • Initial release
  • Created custom event nodes for Interactables & Teleporting
    • OnActivated
    • OnDeactivated
    • OnFirstHoverEntered
    • OnFirstSelectEntered
    • OnHoverEntered
    • OnHoverExited
    • OnLastHoverExited
    • OnLastSelectExited
    • OnSelectEntered
    • OnSelectExited
    • OnTeleporting
  • Loads of refactoring and noodling : )