
Provide functionality to help connecting to Bluetooth devices

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Helps to help connecting to Bluetooth devices

Test Harness

The test harness can be seen running here where you can try connecting to your bluetooth devices.


npm install ble-helper

If you are working in typescript you will most likely also need the web-bluetooth types as well:

npm install @types/web-bluetooth -D


Direct Construction

import { BluetoothHelper, Logger } from "ble-helper";

const bluetoothHelper = new BluetoothHelper(new Logger());

using this method you can replace Logger with your own logging implementation;

Construction with getInstance():

import { getInstance } from "ble-helper";

const bluetoothHelper = getInstance();

reflect-metadata will need to be installed and imported for this to work. See needle docs for more details.

Constructor Injection

BluetoothHelper is decorated so metadata about it's constructor parameters is recorded so you can use it in IOC environments:

class MyClass{
    constructor(private helper: BluetoothHelper){


to use in angular you can hook up the needle registry with angular to allow seamless injection into angular components:


import { getRegisteredTypesWithFactories } from '@morgan-stanley/needle';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

    .catch((err) => console.error(err));

reflect-metadata will need to be installed and imported for this to work. See needle docs for more details.


import { getInstance, GattServiceId } from 'ble-helper';
import { firstValueFrom } from 'rxjs';

const helper = getInstance();

async function getHeartRateUpdates() {
    // request device. This will open a dialog in the browser where the user will pick the device.
    // Specify an array of what services you want.
    const device = await firstValueFrom(
            filters: [{ services: [GattServiceId['Heart Rate']] }], // requests any heart rate devices
            optionalServices: [GattServiceId['Battery'], GattServiceId['Device Information']], // allows us to access other services on the same device like battery level and device name

    if (device == null) {
        // User cancelled the dialog, no device selected.

    // Connect to server
    const server = await firstValueFrom(helper.connectServer(device));

    // Request the service we are interested from server
    const service = await firstValueFrom(helper.getService(server, 'Battery'));

    if (service == null) {
        // could not find specified service

    // Request characteristic we are interested in from service
    const characteristic = await firstValueFrom(helper.getCharacteristic(server, service.gatt, 'Battery Level'));

    if (characteristic == null) {
        // could not find specified characteristic

    const initialValue = await helper.readValue(characteristic);

    console.log(`Initial battery level: ${initialValue}`);

    // Subscribe to be notified of these values changing
    helper.getNotifications(characteristic).subscribe((value) => {
        console.log(`Battery level is: ${value}`);

BluetoothHelper returns observables but I've used async above to make it a bit clearer what is going on.

The above example uses one of the default conversion strategies that are included with ble-helper. Any characteristics that do not have registered strategies will just return a DataView object when reading or subscribing to updates.


By default the following characteristic conversion strategies are provided:

  • Battery Level
  • Manufacturer Name String
  • Model Number String
  • Serial Number String
  • Hardware Revision String
  • Firmware Revision String
  • Software Revision String
  • Device Name

To covert DataView objects for other characteristics new strategies must be provided to handle them:

class HeartRateConversionStrategy implements ICharacteristicConversionStrategy<'Heart Rate Measurement', number> {
    public name = 'Heart Rate Measurement' as const;

    canHandle(characteristic: GattCharacteristic<'Heart Rate Measurement'>): boolean {
        return characteristic.name === this.name;

    convert(_characteristic: GattCharacteristic<'Heart Rate Measurement'>, value: DataView): number {
        const hearRate: number = paraseHeartRate(value); // To Be Implemented

        return hearRate;

any strategies that you create must then be passed to the BluetoothHelper by using the BluetoothHelperFactory:

const factory: BlueToothHelperFactory = get(BlueToothHelperFactory);

const helper = factory.createWithStrategies(tuple(new HeartRateConversionStrategy()));

in this case helper.readValue() will return a value typed as a number as this is what the strategy returns.


ALthough Angular is included in this project this is only for the test harness. There are no angular dependencies when consuming this project.