
Operator to manage scheduling of metrics export with floorist

Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Floorist Operator

Kubernetes Operator to manage scheduling of metrics export with Floorist.


  1. Description
    1. Scheduling
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Development
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Test environment
    3. Build and deploy
    4. OpenShift templates
    5. Trying it out
    6. Stage test


Floorist Operator manages scheduling of metrics export using Postresql queries to S3 bucket(s). The base component is the Floorist tool.

Exportable queries are set via CustomResource (CR) FloorPlan. Operator then creates a CronJob with a daily schedule.

Advantages of having Floorist managed within operator are:

  • central configuration of Floorist version/image managed across all namespaces,
  • ease of configuration,
  • dynamic scheduling

The operator is build using Ansible Operator SDK leveraging kubernetes.core.k8s Ansible module.


Each FloorPlan resource/instace will get a non-conflicting schedule assigned. Schedule assignement is selected as the first available slot during a day in a predefined interval. By default this interval is 5 minutes, configured via schedule_step Ansible variable (max value is 60).

Midninght (00:00) is by default reserved. The first schedule starts at 00:05 (with default 5 min. interval). Slot constraints can be set via skip_schedules Ansible variable.

There is an upper limit on the number of FloorPlans which is by default 287. The formula for different settings is: 24 * (60 / schedule_step).

Schedule of a single FloorPlan stays constant for the whole duration of its lifetime.


Clone the source code:

git clone https://github.com/RedHatInsights/floorist-operator.git

As cluster admin apply kubernetes objects (with kustomize):

kubectl apply -k config/default/

alternatively with


by replacing SETOPERATORIMAGETAG with appropriate image tag of the operator.


Metric exporting is set up by creating a FloorPlan CR:

apiVersion: metrics.console.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: FloorPlan
  name: # name
  queries: # a list of a prefix-query pair
  - prefix: # S3 folder path within a bucket
    query: >- # exporting query
      SELECT column FROM table;
    chunksize: # optional chunk size (integer; default: 1000; 0 to disable)
    secretName: # name of the database secret
    secretName: # name of the k8s secret with S3 credentials
  suspend: # option to suspend cronjobs (false by default)
  logLevel: # optional Python log level (default INFO)
  resources: # optional to set resource limits (the following are defaults)
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 500Mi
      cpu: 50m
      memory: 250Mi

See also full sample. For all possible parameters check out FloorPlan CustomResourceDefinition.

S3 kubernetes Secret needs to follow this format:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  bucket: # the desired bucket
  endpoint: # an URL with schema/protocol (and port)

Database Secret needs to follow this format:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret



  • Podman
  • Minikube
    curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64
    sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
    minikube start

Test environment

To have a test bed, first set up an example services within the default namespace.

# Generate Secrects
make minikube-secrets

# Apply Kustomized Configuration
minikube kubectl -- apply -k config/minikube

This will:

  • generate two secret files for datbase and minio under config/minikube/.secrets
  • deploy postgresql database
  • deploy minio (as S3)
  • create a bucket with createbucket Job
  • inject example data to database with the populator Job

Build and deploy

Build, push, and deploy floorist-operator

VERSION=SETOPERATORIMAGETAG make podman-build podman-push deploy

Replace SETOPERATORIMAGETAG with desired image tag for the operator.

Optionally, IMAGE_TAG_BASE can be set to use a custom container registry. For example IMAGE_TAG_BASE=quay.io/yourusername/floorist-operator.

OpenShift templates

OpenShift utilizes Template resources. Due to current limitation in some environments there was a openshift-teplates Makefile target created along with the openshift_template_generator.rb tool. The openshift-teplates target generates an OpenShift Template out of kustomized resources configured within config/templated/ and config/stage_test/ .

To (re)generate OpenShift templates for this operator and it's test job use:

make openshift-templates

The results are written in the deploy_template.yaml and stage_test_template.yaml files.

It is also possible to (re)generate only the operator's or only the test's template:

To (re)generate the operator's template:

make openshift-template

To (re)generate the test's template:

make openshift-stage-test-template

Trying it out

Create a sample Floorplan within default namespace named floorplan-sample:

minikube kubectl -- apply -f config/samples/metrics_v1alpha1_floorplan.yaml

and observe exisence of floorist-floorplan-sample-exporter CronJob.

It should look like this:

$ minikube kubectl -- get cronjob floorist-floorplan-sample-exporter
floorplan-sample-exporter   5 0 * * *   False     0        <none>          31s

To see it in action, trigger a manual job:

minikube kubectl -- create job floorist-floorplan-sample-exporter-manual --from=cronjob/floorist-floorplan-sample-exporter

Observe status of the worker pod:

minikube kubectl -- get pod -l 'job-name=floorist-floorplan-sample-exporter-manual'

Stage test

For the purpose of testing before auto-promotion from staging to production environment we've developed a job with a 24h delay. This test job checks for the successful creation of cronjobs and jobs by the operator and it asserts the successful completion of the jobs.

It is possible to use the test locally, altough with the following limitations:

  • Job names are not unique: each time the test is re-ran it needs to be deleted first

To run the test locally:

minikube kubectl -- apply -k config/stage_test/local/



If you'd like to see the test pass:

  1. install the operator
  2. set up the test environment
  3. create a sample cronjob and be sure to manually trigger a job
  4. deploy the test using one of the commands above