
shared service libs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


shared service lib

Required dependencies:

  • poetry
  • pre-commit

Work with pre-commit hooks

# installs pre-commit hooks into the repo
pre-commit install --install-hooks

# run pre-commit hooks for staged files
pre-commit run

# run pre-commit hooks for all files in repo
pre-commit run --all-files

# bump versions of the pre-commit hooks automatically
pre-commit autoupdate

# bypass pre-commit check
git commit --no-verify

To run tests

  1. poetry install --with dev sync
  2. poetry run pytest

To run SonarQube:

  1. Make sure that you have SonarQube scanner installed.
  2. Duplicate the sonar-scanner.properties.sample config file.
  cp sonar-scanner.properties.sample sonar-scanner.properties
  1. Update sonar.host.url, sonar.login in sonar-scanner.properties.
  2. Run the following command
java -jar /path/to/sonar-scanner-cli- -D project.settings=sonar-scanner.properties
  1. Review the results in your SonarQube web instance.