
A static analysis of the NotPetya ransomware

NotPetya Malware Analysis

This repository contains an analysis of the NotPetya malware. The SHA256 hash of the sample that was analyzed is 027cc450ef5f8c5f653329641ec1fed91f694e0d229928963b30f6b0d7d3a745. All the work presented here is produced for the 2IC80 - Lab on offensive computer security course by:

  • Roan Hofland
  • Sverre van Mulken

Repository content

  • A Ghidra project for the NotPetya binary with the aforementioned hash can be found in NotPetya.
  • A log for the reverse engineering process with highly detailed descriptions of all the subroutines can be found in Notes.
  • A report summarizing the key findings can be found here.


This repository does not contain any malware, the sample analyzed can be found in the following GitHub repository: fabrimagic72/malware-samples. Please take care when handling these samples.


Project development started: 25th of February, 2020.
Project due date: 13th of April, 2020.