
Node module to archive entire websites.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Node module to archive websites. The module attempts to scan websites and download as many pages as it can find.

const Archive = require('archivejs');
const site = new Archive('http://example.com', {
  threads: 2



$ npm install archivejs


This module works by downloading as much of a website as possible. If a website existed with the following urls:





The website would be saved with the following folder structure:

  • example.com
    • image.png.archive
    • docs
      • user.json





For example, if reddit.com was archived, the page requested when visiting reddit.com would be saved in the folder reddit.com with the file name .archive (or index.archive).

The main limitation is that only pages that are linked can be archived. Any pages hidden or not referenced to from the main page or subsequent scraped pages are not downloaded.


Instantiate the archive class as per the example above (new Archive(url, options)).

To start archiving: site.start();

To stop archiving: site.stop();

To attach event listeners: site.on(eventName, callback);

For a full example, refer to example.js.

You can pass options when creating an archive by passing an object after the URL:

  • threads - the number of workers to scrape the site in parallel, defaults to 1
  • path - the root path of the directory to save the archives, defaults to __dirname
  • requestDelay - the time in milliseconds to wait before making another request after scraping a page, defaults to 50


  • downloads pages to a given folder
  • scrapes pages for resources such as .css or .js files
  • downloads images and svg files from pages (from image elements)
  • find links between pages to repeat the download/scrape process


  • video downloads
  • proxy support to prevent rate limiting


Event listeners can be attached to the archive to monitor progress and get statistics.


  • url the url being requested/scraped

Emitted just before a page is scraped.


  • url - new url that was found when scraping, and will be added to the queue to be scraped

Emitted when parsing a page and a link is found.


  • data - object containing data about the page saved
    • fileName - name of the file saved
    • path - path relative to the archive project root
    • fullPath - full path of the file on disk
    • size - size of the file in bytes
    • stats - object providing stats about the entire archive progress
      • size - total size in bytes downloaded and saved to disk
      • saved - number of pages saved so far

Emitted every time a page is downloaded and saved to disk.


  • message - message providing context
  • error - the errow that was thrown

Emitted every time an error occurs. An event listener needs to be set up for this event to prevent errors from being thrown.


  • message - debug info