Toggle Regions Extension for Visual Studio

Quickly collapse or expand all region sections in a code editor tab.

Recognized regions:

  • #region - .cs files
  • <!--region - .xaml files
  • #pragma region - .cpp files


This extension is available through the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Alternatively, a .vsix installation file can be downloaded from Releases and manually installed.

Configurable Commands

Two commands are added to the Outlining menu: "Expand all regions" and "Collapse all regions".

These commands are exposed to Visual Studio as:

  • RegionManagement.Expand - Default shortcut: CTRL+R, CTRL+Num +
  • RegionManagement.Collapse - Default shortcut: CTRL+R, CTRL+Num -

... and can be remapped in Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard.


  • Visual Studio 2022 (Version 17.3 or later)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (Version 16.10 or later)
  • Visual Studio 2017 (Any version)


Visual Studio 2022 is required to build the solution. Note that Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK should have major version corresponding to the version of Visual Studio where the extension will run (e.g. nuget version 16.x for VS2019) and Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools should have major version corresponding to the version of Visual Studio that is used to build the extension.

Release configuration builds can optionally be signed using a strong name keypair stored at Metadata\Key.snk.

Additional Information

This extension was forked from Vlad-Herus/CollapseRegionExtension.

MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Matt Mower
Copyright (c) 2018 VladimirUAZ