
Fitness and health oriented smart contract project submission for Chainlink's Fall Hackathon 2022

Primary LanguageSolidity

GoalCrusher | Chainlink Hackathon Fall 2022

What is GoalCrusher

GoalCrusher is an application that allows you to earn NFT rewards by accomplishing fitness goals. With the use of Chainlink oracles and external adapters, off-chain data is transmitted on-chain in a verifiable and secure way, allowing for accurate and fair computations to be executed. GoalCrusher further incentivizes users in achieving their goals by allowing them to deposit collateral in ETH, risking losing it all if they do not accomplish their goal by the end of the day.

How it works

Currently, only one goal is able to be achieved: Hitting your expended caloric goal for weight loss. This caloric target is determined by your FitBit and is calculated with the use of BMR and activity data.

  • If the user met and/or passed their caloric target, they'll be allowed to withdraw their collateral if it exists and the number of goals achieved will increase by one.
  • At any time, the user can check if they have met their caloric goal.
  • A specific number of goals must be achieved in order to mint the NFT.

How to run it


Remix IDE was used for the creations of all smart contracts (FitbitConsumer.sol & GoalCrusher.sol). All user interaction will be on GoalCrusher.sol, but they will also need the address of a deployed FitbitConsumer.sol contract.

Deploying FitbitConsumer.sol on Remix

This contract is chainlink's Mutliword Consumer Contract from its any API resources. When calling its function requestCaloriesData(), it will fetch off-chain data for the two variables: calories spent and caloric goal.

  • Load the FitbitConsumer.sol contract on Remix
  • Change setChainlinkToken, setChainlinkOracle and jobId if you have your own network, oracle and job id that you want to use.
        setChainlinkToken(0x326C977E6efc84E512bB9C30f76E30c160eD06FB); //Goerli LINK
        setChainlinkOracle(0x4e07bDC58A5441cfE3FdEa2f293b4bc721f413D0); // Operator.sol address
        jobId = '6aaad23b785849b1a22a9da3a88fdc2b';// Node job id (external adapter)
  • Select FitbitConsumer.sol from the contract list and deploy using injected provider
  • Once deployed, fund the contract with at least 1 goerli LINK token and save its address

Deploying GoalCrusher.sol

This is the main contract from which users will be interacting with. It is responsible from retrieving caloric data from FitbitConsumer.sol and allowing users to check if they have met their caloric target. An NFT contract address is hard-coded but can be changed if a separate NFT contract is needed.

  • Load the contract in Remix
  • Select GoalCrusher.sol in contracts list and deploy using Injected Provider
    • Deploy with FitbitConsumer.sol address
    • alt-text

Using GoalCrusher.sol

  • Once all contracts are deployed, users can send collateral in ETH to the contract using setCollateral() function
  • The user must call callFitbitConsumer() to populate caloriesExpended and caloriesGoal variables and automatically check if caloriesGoal was surpassed.
    • Sometimes callFitbitConsumer() function will fail to populate the variables on time (leading them to report 0 when the Fitbitconsumer.sol contract has a non-zero value). Waiting a minute or two and then calling getCalories() function will usually fix this problem and populate the calories variables.
  • If the caloric goal was met and/or surpassed, users can withdraw their collateral with withdraw function
  • Once a predetermined amount of goals has been achieved (determined by variable NFT_GOALS_REQ), users can use the mintNFT function to mint their NFT. Users can check their minted NFTs on OpenSea Testnet

More information

This project was created during Chainlink's Fall Hackathon 2022. Follow me on Twitter!