Unit images for Unciv from the Civ II Scenario League, Fairline, and others.
- Run Unciv
- Open the Mods menu
- At the top right, expand and search for "Fairline"
- Select Fairline and download it
- Enable "Permanent audiovisual mod"
- In Options > Display, select the Fairline Unitset
- In Options > Display, set "Unit Icon Opacity" to 0%
- Add all missing units
- Fill in nation colours for each unit
- Ensure all units are in the correct position
- Review the units to see if there are better options
- Add nation-specific unit sets
- Add Alpha-transparent shadows for each unit
- Use git to clone the repository to your mods directory
- Acquire one of the unit sets at the Civ Scenario League
- Make sure the image has an alpha transparent layer
- Use Aseprite to extract the sprite sheet with "Replace Color"
- Split the image to sprites using "Import Sprite Sheet"
- X: 1
- Y: 1
- Width: 64
- Height: 64
- Padding with H 1 V 1
- Create the
for the primary colors, andUnit-2.png
for highlights- To shift the colors, use Edit -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturate
- For nation-specific units, use
Thank you to the whole Civ Scenario League for permission for the art use.