- 3
error while launching
#63 opened by NishantMajumdar - 0
Lutris dosent launch
#64 opened by NishantMajumdar - 3
- 1
- 2
No icons are displayed for the games due to "GetImageHash - unable to stat url"
#60 opened by mYnDstrEAm - 3
Crash when selecting Lutris
#59 opened by GitEz-code - 1
error on start
#58 opened by lokeb - 1
A newer screenshot in the readme
#55 opened by mYnDstrEAm - 2
Addon not detecting all games
#57 opened by jacobhallberg98 - 3
- 6
Check add-on compatibility against Python 3
#35 opened by solbero - 4
Add "Runner" Filter
#4 opened by RobLoach - 4
Show game cover instead of game icon
#50 opened by trymeouteh - 9
Outdated addon in the repository
#54 opened by mYnDstrEAm - 9
Unable to parse lutris error
#47 opened by rscottyy - 2
Create/Support Playnite Addon
#51 opened by trymeouteh - 48
- 0
Rewrite to use functions
#43 opened by solbero - 1
Add "Installed" filter
#3 opened by RobLoach - 11
Add game specific infoLabels to ListItems
#41 opened by solbero - 9
Unable to run, incorrect directory
#27 opened by stooj - 2
Localization Kodi v.19
#39 opened by arustler - 3
- 5
- 2
Display Run Notification
#30 opened by RobLoach - 6
Launching games brings up Lutris in Kodi
#14 opened by solbero - 3
Lutris gui loads
#25 opened by lefty420 - 0
Switch from rungame/ to rungameid/
#15 opened by RobLoach - 3
Make a new release
#26 opened by solbero - 8
Make Lutris Addon easier to install
#13 opened by lefty420 - 2
- 6
Check if Lutris is installed on first run
#19 opened by solbero - 2
Add option to change icon type in add-on settings
#16 opened by solbero - 0
Error handling
#2 opened by RobLoach - 1
Display game icons
#1 opened by RobLoach - 2
Move Repository to Lutris Organization
#6 opened by RobLoach - 0
Add Contextual Menu to Reinstall the game
#5 opened by RobLoach