K8S Vault Injector tutorial

This repo contains a tutorial on how-to setup hashicorp vault injector and multiple k8s/openshift clusters with an external hashicorp vault



You will need a laptop/pc/server with Linux and kvm/libvirt. I created this tutorial with Fedora.

Dnsmasq with networkmanager

If you use the dnsmasq plugin with NetworkManager, see https://fedoramagazine.org/using-the-networkmanagers-dnsmasq-plugin/ Make sure that /etc/nsswitch.conf is configure correctly, this must be set to hosts: dns files, and disable systemd-resolved with sudo systemctl is-disabled systemd-resolved and reboot you system.

Make sure dns entries are there, see the following example:

/etc/hosts: vault.lab.local vault

K8S cluster

We need a k8s cluster or Openshift CRC instance up and running

Vault server

Have a vault server up and running and also a internal pki

Have the hashicorp helm chart

See the following doc https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/platform/k8s/helm

Firewall rules with Openshift CRC

If you have Openshift CRC up and running you will need to the following firewall rules:

sudo firewall-cmd --direct --passthrough ipv4 -I FORWARD -i virbr1 -j ACCEPT
sudo firewall-cmd --direct --passthrough ipv4 -I FORWARD -o virbr1 -j ACCEPT
sudo firewall-cmd --direct --passthrough ipv4 -I FORWARD -i crc -j ACCEPT
sudo firewall-cmd --direct --passthrough ipv4 -I FORWARD -o crc -j ACCEPT

If you bridge interface for the vault server is different use a another bridge interface!

Injector Install

See the following upstream documentation

Create override file for injector installation on k8s/openshift (crc)

Create override file injector-values.yaml, see the example file

  openshift: true
  externalVaultAddr: "https://vault.lab.local:8200"

  enabled: true
  authPath: "auth/crc"

Pay attention to the authPath, we are going to enable authentication for this cluster on it's own path! In the example from above it is crc, because i am using Openshift CodeReadyContainers.

Install the vault injector agents

$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault -f injector-values.yaml --namespace=vault --create-namespace

Configure authentication

See the following upstream documentation

Follow the instructions in the documentation, but pay attention to the following changes we do

Enable kubernetes authentication on specific path

Enable kubernetes authentication, but notice the --path=crc. For every cluster we are going to use a different path, since i am using Openshift CodeReadyContainers, i will put it on path crc

$ vault auth enable --path=crc kubernetes

$ vault auth list
Path      Type          Accessor                    Description                Version
----      ----          --------                    -----------                -------
crc/      kubernetes    auth_kubernetes_f9ee1c6f    n/a                        n/a

Configure authentication for the crc openshift instance

When configuring authentication, which basically uses the token from serviceAccount vault in namespace vault for the vault instance to communicate with the K8S cluster. Pay attention to the path, which is auth/crc/config

$ vault write auth/crc/config token_reviewer_jwt="$TOKEN_REVIEW_JWT" kubernetes_host="$KUBE_HOST" kubernetes_ca_cert="$KUBE_CA_CERT" issuer="https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"

Create secret store on the Vault instance

Create a simple keyvalue secret store

$ vault secrets enable -path expense/static -version=2 kv

Create kv pair

$ MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD=mysuperpassword

$ vault kv put expense/static/mysql db_login_password=${MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD}

Verify the kv pair

$ vault kv get expense/static/mysql
====== Secret Path ======

======= Metadata =======
Key                Value
---                -----
created_time       2023-01-04T16:18:30.570684018Z
custom_metadata    <nil>
deletion_time      n/a
destroyed          false
version            1

========== Data ==========
Key                  Value
---                  -----
db_login_password    mysuperpassword

Create policy

We need a policy to allow access to the secret

Create policy file policy.hcl, with the following content

path "expense/static/data/mysql" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]

Apply policy

$ cat policy.hcl | vault policy write expense-db-mysql -

Assign k8s serviceaccount to role

We now need to assign the policy we just created to serviceaccount expense-db-mysql in namespace expenses.

$ vault write auth/crc/role/expense-db-mysql bound_service_account_names=expense-db-mysql bound_service_account_namespaces=expenses policies=expense-db-mysql ttl=1h


Create project

$ oc new-project expenses

Create secret from internal pki rootca

Get rootca which is used to sign the certificate for the vault instance

$ oc -n expenses create secret generic vault-ca --from-file=ca-cert.pem

Download manifest

This repo contains great examples, so i borrowed the deployment example from there.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joatmon08/vault-argocd/part-1/database/deployment.yaml

Add annotations to the deployment.yaml for custom pki

For a complete list of annotations, see the following documentation

We add the following annotations to let the injector agent use the proper rootca to make a connection to the vault instance

vault.hashicorp.com/tls-secret: "vault-ca"
vault.hashicorp.com/ca-cert: "/vault/tls/ca-cert.pem"

See the modified version here

Deploy the application

$ oc apply -f deployment.yaml 
service/expense-db-mysql created
serviceaccount/expense-db-mysql created
deployment.apps/expense-db-mysql created

Verify deployment

$ oc get pods
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
expense-db-mysql-7d788775d-hq45j   2/2     Running   0          32s


If the pod does not come up or stays in init stage, check the logs of the sidecar init container. See the following command as an example

$ oc logs expense-db-mysql-7d788775d-hq45j -c vault-agent-init