
Tweet even when offline. Example project for redux-offline-queue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Offline Tweet

Write tweets even when the device is offline, once connectivity is regained, tweets will be posted live. React Native example project for how to setup redux-offline-queue


  1. Git clone this repo.
  2. Intall the app with yarn intall
  3. Link libraries react-native link
  4. Create twitter app via apps.twitter.com NOTE: Once you have created the twitter app, make sure to generate access tokens in the twitter app -> Keys and Access Tokens -> scroll to bottom -> click 'Create my access token'.
  5. Rename app/config/tokens.js.example to app/config/tokens.js and fill in your own tokens and secrets.
  6. Start the server yarn start start your simulator or device.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If app is killed the offline messages wont be delivered. Set up redux-persist to persist the store and post even after app has been killed.