
Collection of Stream API customizable collectors for parallel processing of blocking operations

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Parallel Collectors for Java 8 Stream API - overcoming limitations of standard Parallel Streams

Build Status License Maven Central

Parallel Collectors is a set of tools easining parallel collection processing in Java.


Stream API is a great tool for collection processing especially if that involves parallelism of CPU-intensive tasks, for example:

public static void parallelSetAll(int[] array, IntUnaryOperator generator) {
    IntStream.range(0, array.length).parallel().forEach(i -> { array[i] = generator.applyAsInt(i); });

It's possible because all tasks managed by parallel Streams are executed on a shared ForkJoinPool instance which was designed for handling this kind of CPU-intensive jobs. Unfortunately, it's not the best choice for blocking operations - those could easily saturate the common pool:

List<String> result = list.parallelStream()
  .map(i -> fetchFromDb(i)) // run implicitly on ForkJoinPool.commonPool()

A straightforward solution to the problem is to create a separate thread pool for IO-bound tasks and run them there exclusively without impacting the common pool.

Sadly, Stream API officially only the common ForkJoinPool which effectively restricts the applicability of parallelized Streams to CPU-bound jobs.

There's a trick that allows running parallel Stream in a custom FJP instance but should be avoided:

Note, however, that this technique of submitting a task to a fork-join pool to run the parallel stream in that pool is an implementation "trick" and is not guaranteed to work. Indeed, the threads or thread pool that is used for execution of parallel streams is unspecified. By default, the common fork-join pool is used, but in different environments, different thread pools might end up being used.

says Stuart Marks on StackOverflow.

Plus, that approach was flawed before JDK-10 - if a Stream was targeted towards another pool, splitting would still need to adhere to the parallelism of the common pool, and not the one of the targeted pool [JDK8190974].


Parallel Collectors are unopinionated by design so it's up to users to use it responsibly, which involves things like:

  • proper configuration of a provided Executor and its lifecycle management
  • choosing the right parallelism level

Make sure to read API documentation before using these in production.

Basic API

The library relies on a native java.util.stream.Collector mechanism used by Java Stream API which makes it possible to achieve the highest compatibility - all of them are one-off and should not be reused unless you know what you're doing.

The only entrypoint is the com.pivovarit.collectors.ParallelCollectors class which mimics the semantics of working with java.util.stream.Collectors and provides the following groups of factories:


  • inParallelToList(Executor executor)
  • inParallelToList(Executor executor, int parallelism)
  • inParallelToList(Function<T, R> mapper, Executor executor)
  • inParallelToList(Function<T, R> mapper, Executor executor, int parallelism)


  • inParallelToSet(Executor executor)
  • inParallelToSet(Executor executor, int parallelism)
  • inParallelToSet(Function<T, R> mapper, Executor executor)
  • inParallelToSet(Function<T, R> mapper, Executor executor, int parallelism)


  • inParallelToCollection(Supplier<R> collection, Executor executor)
  • inParallelToCollection(Supplier<R> collection, Executor executor, int parallelism)
  • inParallelToCollection(Function<T, R> mapper, Supplier<C> collection, Executor executor)
  • inParallelToCollection(Function<T, R> mapper, Supplier<C> collection, Executor executor, int parallelism)

Above can be used in conjunction with Stream#collect as any other Collector from java.util.stream.Collectors.

By design, it's obligatory to supply a custom Executor instance and manage its lifecycle.

Leveraging CompletableFuture

All Parallel Collectors™ don't expose resulting Collection directly, instead, they do it with CompletableFuture which provides great flexibility and possibility of working with them in a non-blocking fashion:

CompletableFuture<List<String>> result = list.stream()
  .collect(inParallelToList(i -> fetchFromDb(i), executor))

Which makes it possible to conveniently apply callbacks, and compose with other CompletableFutures:

  .collect(inParallelToList(i -> fetchFromDb(i), executor))
  .thenRun(() -> System.out.println("Finished!"));


1. Parallelize and collect to List

with ParallelCollectors™

Executor executor = ...

List<String> result = list.stream()
  .collect(inParallelToList(i -> fetchFromDb(i), executor))
  .join(); // on CompletableFuture<Set<String>>

with Parallel Streams

List<String> result = list.parallelStream()
  .map(i -> fetchFromDb(i)) // runs implicitly on ForkJoinPool.commonPool()

2. Parallelize and collect to List non-blocking

with ParallelCollectors™

Executor executor = ...

CompletableFuture<List<String>> result = list.stream()
  .collect(inParallelToList(i -> fetchFromDb(i), executor));

with Parallel Streams


3. Parallelize and collect to List on a custom Executor

with ParallelCollectors™

Executor executor = ...

List<String> result = list.stream()
  .collect(inParallelToList(i -> fetchFromDb(i), executor))
  .join(); // on CompletableFuture<Set<String>>

with Parallel Streams


4. Parallelize and collect to List and define parallelism

with ParallelCollectors™

Executor executor = ...

List<String> result = list.stream()
  .collect(inParallelToList(i -> fetchFromDb(i), executor, 42))
  .join(); // on CompletableFuture<Set<String>>

with Parallel Streams

System.setProperty("java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism", "42"); 

// global settings ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

List<String> result = list.parallelStream()
  .map(i -> fetchFromDb(i)) // runs implicitly on ForkJoinPool.commonPool()

Maven Dependencies

compile 'com.pivovarit:parallel-collectors:0.0.1-RC3'


None - the library is implemented using core Java libraries.


  • Name your thread pools
  • Limit the size of working queues
  • Always limit the parallelism when processing huge streams unless you know what you're doing
  • An unused ExecutorService should be shut down to allow reclamation of its resources

Version history

0.0.1-RC3 (28-01-2019)

  • Moved ThrottlingParallelCollector's dispatcher thread to Collector#finisher
  • ThrottlingParallelCollector migrated to use ConcurrentLinkedQueues exclusively
  • Added exception-handling-related tests
  • Optimized empty Stream handling

0.0.1-RC2 (28-01-2019)

  • Improved documentation
  • Improved internal implementations

0.0.1-RC1 (27-01-2019)

  • Initial release providing basic functionality