
A simple virtual gaming tabletop webapp in 3D, using Google Drive as the backing store.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gTove - a virtual gaming tabletop

'Twas Brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.

This project is a lightweight web application to simulate a virtual tabletop. Multiple maps and standee-style miniatures can be placed on the tabletop, and everyone connected to the same tabletop can see them and move the miniatures around. To allow users to retain visiblity and ownership of their own data, make the hosting costs as low as possible and to allow other people to fork the project, Google Drive is used to store shared resources such as the images for miniatures and maps, and data for scenarios.

User Version

If you just want to use gTove, it can be accessed here:


Browser Support

At the moment, I'm doing my development in Chrome, with occasional tests in Firefox. Other browsers may or may not work at this stage.

Discord Server

I've created a Discord Server for gTove where people can discuss the application, including discussing bugs (before raising then on Github) and making feature suggestions.


Basic User Guide

You can access gTove by going here: https://illuminantgames.com/gtove

Getting Started

After giving permission to the app to access your Google Drive (see Permissions below), it will create an empty folder structure at the top level of your Drive (which you can move elsewhere in your Drive if you like). You will be taken to a tutorial tabletop, which will guide you through the basics of navigating and using the app.

After you have finished with the tutorial, press the "Tabletops" button in the left-hand menu to go to the Tabletops browser. Press "Add Tabletop" to create your own tabletop, a shared virtual gaming space that can contain maps and miniatures. You will be given various configuration options for the tabletop, but you can simply "Save" the tabletop to proceed for now - you can return at any time later and Edit the tabletop to explore the tabletop configuration options.

You are the owner of any tabletops you create (making you the Game Master for that tabletop), and you can invite your players to one of your tabletops by sending them the URL that is shown in your browser address bar when you are viewing the tabletop yourself.

The contents of a tabletop can only be changed when the GM is connected, but players can look at the current tabletop by going to the URL at any time. Players accessing an existing tabletop are not prompted by gTove to create the empty folder structure in their Drive, but they must still give gTove permission to access their Drive.

When you use gTove, all of its configuration files, images and directories are created in your Drive, and nowhere else. There is no central gTove server which stores any information... everything is driven from the gTove files saved on the Drive of the currently signed in user.

Viewing the Tabletop

Once you create and select a new tabletop, you will see an empty grid (since you have no maps loaded), and various controls on the left. These controls allow you to toggle various tabletop-wide options like Grid Snap (whether minis snap to the map's grid or not) and Edit Fog (which allows you to cover up sections of the map with a "fog of war", hiding the map underneath from your players), as well as allowing you to switch between "GM view" (where everything is visible) and "player view" (where fog of war is opaque and hidden maps and miniatures are not shown, so you can see what your players will see.)

The left-hand menu can be closed by clicking the × symbol, and revealed again by clicking the ☰ menu symbol.

Adding Maps and Miniatures

To add maps and miniatures to the tabletop, click the buttons marked "Maps" or "Minis" in the left-hand menu. This will open a file browser of the gTove folders on your Drive, where you can upload images and configure how they will appear on to tabletop.

Click "Upload" to add your first image. You can multi-select files when uploading if you want to import many images into gTove at once. You can also paste images that you have copied to your clipboard directly into the file browser for maps and miniatures, but you cannot yet drag-and-drop files.

When an image file is first uploaded, it will be marked as "NEW", and gTove will require you to configure the image before using it on the tabletop.

  • For maps, you can set its name, and align a grid over the map so gTove knows what scale to display the map at. Note that you cannot hide parts of the map from players using Fog of War unless the map has a grid defined. You can optionally have gTove show the grid overlay when on the tabletop, if you have a map image which does not have a grid overlay as part of the image itself.
  • For miniatures, you can set its name, and also see a preview of what the miniature will look like on the tabletop. The left-hand or top panel shows how the image will be framed in the standee outline - pan and zoom the frame to adjust how much of the image will be visible. The camera in the 3D view can be moved using the gestures described in the "Interacting with the Tabletop" section below, and if you rotate the camera to look top-down, you will switch to configuring how the image will be framed when in flat, top-down mode.

Save the configured version of your image, and you will return to the file browser. Click or tap a map or miniature image that you have configured to drop it on your tabletop.

Note that you should not save images directly into the gTove folders using the Google Drive interface, as gTove will not have permission to modify them.

Interacting with the Tabletop

Back on the tabletop, the gestures or mouse interactions are consistent across the app:

  • Single finger tap or left mouse click to select or bring up a menu relating to the thing you clicked or tapped. The options available depend on whether you own the tabletop or not.
    • The miniature menu includes options like making the miniature lie down/stand up, editing its name label, changing its scale, duplicating it or removing it from the tabletop.
    • The map menu includes options such as covering or uncovering the whole map with fog of war (as long as the map has a grid defined for it), repositioning it, or removing it from the tabletop.
    • For the GM, both miniature and map menus include the option to reveal the map or miniature to the players, or to hide a revealed map or miniature. Newly added miniatures are automatically hidden from players, as are newly added maps with no grid defined. If a newly added map has a grid, it is not hidden from players, but is instead completely covered by Fog of War.
  • Left click and drag, or drag with a single finger, to pan.
    • Panning a miniature will move it around on the map. Its base will snap vertically to whatever map you drag over, so you can drag it between maps at different elevations if you like.
    • Panning a map or on the background will pan the camera around.
    • If you are repositioning a map, panning will move the map on the tabletop.
  • Right click and drag, control-left click and drag, or rotate with two fingers, to rotate.
    • Rotating a miniature will rotate it on its base.
    • Rotating a map or on the background will orbit the camera around the point it's currently looking at, and also elevate between an oblique view or looking top-down on the tabletop.
    • If you are repositioning a map, rotating will rotate it around its centre.
  • Middle click and drag, shift-left click and drag (for those without a three-button mouse), or two finger pinch, to zoom.
    • Zooming a miniature will elevate it above or below its base, to represent flying, burrowing or swimming creatures.
    • Zooming a miniature while scaling it will adjust its size.
    • Zooming a map or on the background will cause the camera to zoom in and out.
    • If you are repositioning a map, zooming it will change its elevation.

Connected Users

The Google avatar of the signed in user is visible in the top-right corner. You can click this icon to open a connection menu, which contains a button to sign out of gTove.

If other users connect to the tabletop, a counter will appear on this avatar showing how many users are connected. If the GM is connected, the counter will be green; otherwise, it is orange. Expanding the connection menu allows you to see who is connected.

Building gTove from Source

Note: You don't have to build gTove yourself to use it - simply go to https://illuminantgames.com/gtove and start using it!

If you want to contribute to gTove's development though, you may want to check out the repository and start working with it locally. gTove is a react typescript application, built with create-react-app and then manually converted to typescript (because I didn't use --scripts-version=react-scripts-ts when I first ran create-react-app).

  • You need Node.js installed. I'm currently running version 12.16.1
  • Check out the repository using your preferred git tool.
  • Install yarn: npm install -g yarn (I use yarn, and thus the project has a yarn.lock file rather than a package.lock)
  • Change into the top level gTove directory: cd gTove
  • Run yarn install
  • After dependencies are installed, you can start a development server by running yarn start.


At this stage, the app is quite minimally styled. Many UI elements are just default HTML buttons, laid out in columns. Once the major functionality is implemented, I'll try get someone who's good at graphic design to come up with a style for the app and add the styling. For now, the emphasis is on functionality.

That said, there are certain user interactions which I'm very happy with. I like the unified mouse/gesture interface with the virtual tabletop, and the way users align the grid when editing a map is something I believe is very natural once you get used to it (although it's definitely a bit of a learning curve).


To access your Google Drive and store its files, gTove requires "drive.file" access, which is defined as "Per-file access to files created or opened by the app. File authorization is granted on a per-user basis and is revoked when the user deauthorizes the app."

What that means is that the app cannot read, modify or delete any files in your Drive it does not create itself.

Note that this means that you cannot upload files or create folders for gTove in the Drive UI - gTove will not be able to see them. You need to add things using the app. However, you can safely use the Google Drive UI to rearrange files and folders that were created by the app (although moving files into different top-level folders, such as moving a configured mini image into Maps, will certainly break things).

Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is a table of keyboard shortcuts available for various functions and mouse gestures. Some of these are to assist mouse-users without a three-button mouse, such as when using gTove on a laptop with a trackpad. That said, gTove is designed to be fully functional on both mouse-driven and touchscreen devices - all keyboard shortcuts have touchscreen equivalents, as described in the table below.

Key and/or mouse Function
Shift + left mouse button Zoom/elevate - equivalent to middle mouse button, or pinch gesture on touchscreen.
Control + left mouse button Rotate - equivalent to right mouse button, or two finger drag/twist on touchscreen.
Control/Meta + z Undo - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen Undo button.
Control/Meta + y Redo - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen Redo button.
e Elastic Band - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen Elastic Band Mode button.
f Fog of War mode (GM only) - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen Fog of War button.
r Ruler - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen Measure Distance Mode button.
m Free Move (GM only) - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen Free Move button.
s Snap to Grid (GM only) - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen Snap to Grid button.
v GM View (GM only) - equivalent to clicking or tapping the on-screen GM View button.



The implemented list is very long, and has been moved into a separate file. This section will now only list recently completed items which have not yet been released.


  • Unify minis and templates into "pieces" - ability to add textures to template, and/or customise mini shapes.

  • PDF on Tabletop support

    • 3D view which shows the same page for everyone. Menu items to show the PDF in a movable window, and zoom the camera for a close-up on the 3D document.
    • Add GM controls to limit changing the page of PDFs on tabletop?
    • Flag PDFs which need passwords, so a) don't show loading spinner when no preview is available, b) prevent adding to tabletop.
  • Drop/paste at the cursor rather than the camera?

  • Instead of trying to load a known invalid fileId from Drive, render a placeholder?

Firebase networking.

  • Verify whitelist/allow connections still works.


  • CorsAnywhere has locked down their endpoint.

  • Mini editor after cropping PDF only used top half of the screen.

  • NetworkedAction should have peerKey, not individual action types.

  • Colour picker in paint tool can change to "TRANSPARENT" with #00000000, starts to misbehave.

  • Focus map not set correctly when selecting a tabletop in a tab without a tabletop (works fine if you go straight to the URL with the tabletop ID). Specifically observed with tutorial tabletop.

  • Movable window when still freely resizing width can do this thing when clicking on something in it can pop up the scrollbar and otherwise ignore your click.

  • Turn off grid snap, rotate map to random angle (minis on map move/rotate correctly), turn on grid snap and rotate map so it snaps: minis don't snap to the correct position/rotation.

  • Dragging piece with attached mini on hex map - attached mini snaps to square grid, not hex.

  • Duplicating a mini with visibility "fog" won't update each duplicate's hidden/revealed status based on the location it ends up.

  • I have GM-like menu options on Throg mini on Scott's Chuul tabletop?

  • Zellspell had problems moving minis to a different folder: "Tracking Prevention blocked access to storage", might be something specific to pinimg.com.


  • Perhaps make the map selection highlight rotate freely even if grid snap is on, so there's immediate visual feedback when someone rotates a map with grid snap on.

  • It's hard to read the length of the Ruler over long distances. Scale based on ruler distance?

  • Have a version of piece locking which allows GMs but not players to move them. Either have three different lock states (locked, locked for players, unlocked), or have a GM override on the existing two-state piece locking.

  • Additional options for video textures: loop on/off, play/pause

  • Scenarios should save custom column details (from the tabletop), and on load attempt to find equivalents for missing columns, offer to add new columns, or some other form of reconciliation (possibly with manual input from the GM).

  • Add ability to customise dice bags.

    • Players should be able to create their own personal named custom dice pools.
    • Re-order dice bag? Personal, or global (GM only), or both?
    • Ability to include a static modifier in a dice pool
    • Creating custom dice - choose a shape, and a symbol and value for each face
    • Other common operations, like "keep best N", "keep worst N", "Explode on max"?
    • Tabletop setting: control what players can do with their dice bag (personal colour, personal pools, custom dice)
  • Duplicate maps (just once, or N times, like minis?)

  • Ability to duplicate maps on the tabletop (useful for map tiles)

  • Cut and paste minis? "Send to" cascading menu to move minis between levels? "Bring here" button in the pieces roster?

  • Map option "Move all visible minis here", to quickly drag the party to a new level? Would be better if you could actually flag minis as being "in the party" and the option was "Move party here".

  • Pieces roster improvement: "Status" column type, icons that can be toggled on/off

  • Some way to change aspect ratio of standee minis, for things proportioned differently to a humanoid.

  • Dice enhancement: some way to save set-up pools of dice for later re-use

  • Freehand drawing tool improvement: Snap to grid

  • Freehand drawing tool improvement: "Flatten into new image & save"

  • Freehand paint tool improvements: paint to one of several layers on a map, hide/show layers for players

  • Mini editor backface configuration - it's currently always greyscale and mirrored. Options to toggle greyscale or coloured, mirrored or not, flipped or not, and/or choose another region of the image if you have an image with different art for the front and back.

  • PDF on tabletop support

    • PDF form callbacks?
    • Destroy loading task if the component unmounts.
    • Use loading progress callback? Is it worth it when my FileAPI currently loads the whole document into memory anyway?
  • Settable ownership of minis, so only certain people can manipulate them

  • Some mechanism to customise the tabletop background from grey. "Nice-to-have to fill the tablecloth with either a repeating tile or image or gradient." Also, the Drei library has a couple of parameterizable skyboxes I could drop in. https://drei.react-spring.io/?path=/story/shaders-sky--sky-st-2 and https://drei.react-spring.io/?path=/story/shaders-stars--stars-st

  • A customizable hotbar or something to load in some often-used minis or templates for status effects.

  • Keyboard shortcuts for the level up/down buttons.

  • Logout button in file browser (especially when you first connect and are stuck browsing tabletops until you pick one). Could potentially keep the whole avatar icon/menu across all screens?

  • Make it possible to set an image on fog of war - the fog shader chooses which texture to draw from using the same logic as currently, either the map texture or the fog texture (or the grey opaque current non-image pixels). Could in theory allow customising the colour of fog while I'm at it.

  • Add features to paint tool to enable using it as fog of war? Transparent for GM, flood fill.

  • Save custom column data to scenarios, and automatically add any missing columns to the tabletop when loading a scenario.

  • Put keyboard shortcut hints in tooltips for buttons.

  • Support for play-by-post? Some way for players to submit moves when the GM isn't around, and build up a log of events which other players can see the effects of, and the GM can review when they next connect.

  • Add "Pledge on Pozible" icons/links somewhere? Suggestions in #crowdfunding-talk

  • Replace react-hot-loader with Fast Refresh when it becomes stable.

  • A version of "Combine devices" where you could have the camera in one client locked to the camera in another, to allow the GM to control a central "player view" display from their own client.

  • Copy/cut and paste selected (elastic banded) minis on the tabletop.

  • If you duplicate a mini which is attached (to or from), duplicate the attached minis too.

  • Add ability to switch template previewer/editor between square and hex grids. Mini preview too.

  • Tile-based templates - re-use fog of war selection code to select a region of tiles which make up the template's shape.

  • Template option to display as a border (solid or dashed line, line width) rather than a solid colour.

  • Minis always snap to the centre of hexes - need to allow configuration to snap some to the vertex between three hexes (like template offset setting)

  • Colour picker (eye-dropper) for mini background?

  • Allow adding more icon types? Just a string, could point at the material-design icons page. Need to sanitise input.

  • Hexagonal template shape.

  • Template border settings?

  • "Random table mini": configured with several minis, probabilities/weights and duplicate number(s). When added to the tabletop, rolls on the table and adds the resulting random mini(s) to the tabletop. Support nesting, so rows can contain random table minis as well as regular minis.

  • Paint tool: Show transparency (alpha) slider for eraser (already happening by accident from the brushColour).

  • Paint tool: Ability to create a new, blank map image with defined dimensions, background colour.

  • Paint tool: Option in colour picker to reset palette? Un-select swatch value?

  • Paint tool: Support multiple layers on maps

    • Layer visibility toggle on/off.
    • Select which layer you're drawing to.
    • Create new layer, reorder layers, delete layer
  • Paint tool: Grid snap mode

  • Paint tool: Player-specific layer controls: view, draw to

  • Paint tool: Other tools? Arcs/circles, rectangles, clone tool?, ...

  • Paint tool: Nice floodfill algorithm: http://www.williammalone.com/articles/html5-canvas-javascript-paint-bucket-tool/

  • Paint tool: "Flatten layers into new image & save" option to generate a new map image with the painted layers baked in, set grid params to that of the underlying map, clear the paint layers and replace the current map + paint layers.

  • Paint tool: Export+import/copy+paste individual paint layers, to move them between maps/tabletops. Rescaling layers.

  • Paint tool: "Smart brush" that can draw a wall with crosshatch pattern on one side, for underground/dungeon maps.

  • Paint tool: Paint transparent sections (i.e. cut holes in the base map image)?

  • Paint tool: Miyagiyoda: Brush sizes above 2

  • Paint tool: Miyagiyoda: Square brush

  • Paint tool: Miyagiyoda: Nice to have is drawing polygons (sides definable) both filled and outlline. Does mean that a stroke size and colour needs to be added to the brush in general, though.

  • Paint tool: image stamp

  • Pieces roster: When configuring and you add a new column, should auto-scroll to the bottom, where the new column details appears.

  • Pieces roster: Clicking to a new column value after editing doesn't save the value.

  • Pieces roster: Toggle button for player-editable?

  • Pieces roster: Support Markdown in string columns (possibly in name as well?)

  • Pieces roster: Column type: "status" (icons which can be toggled on/off)

  • Pieces roster: Click other built-in values in column to change?

  • Pieces roster: Styling options for "show near" - show fraction as bar, foreground/background colour, ...?

  • Pieces roster: Drag individual rows around within sorted list? For initiative tracking.

  • Pieces roster: Prevent sorting rows while editing? Can be confusing when the column you're editing reorders when you hit enter/tab

  • Pieces roster: Might want filter options in columns - filter for "any non-empty" plus specific values? "Not" checkbox? (e.g. if tracking initiative, could hide minis with no initiative value, to limit the table to things in the fight)

  • Ability to attach maps to one another, so they move together.

  • Billboard flag on standees, to make them always face the camera? Useful for trees etc.

  • Ability to add transition points between levels, which automatically move minis to the other place?

  • Ability to rename maps on the tabletop (since with paint tool you can have a base texture with different drawings on it)

  • Waypoint hotkey - target hovered piece

  • Ruler tool - switch to straight line vs. follow grid? Hotkey?

  • Pieces roster improvement: option to show fractions near pieces as a health bar.

  • Pieces roster improvement: for show-near values, ability to customise foreground and drop shadow colour.

  • Option to dock the dice bag (and other movable windows?) to the side of the screen.

  • Scale down dice icons when on small screens.

  • Transparent maps: skip raycast target that hits transparent pixels? WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels() https://threejs.org/examples/webgl_read_float_buffer

  • Elvis operator! Should refactor code.

  • Nominate an "entry point" for a scenario, where the camera first focuses on load.

  • Change ambient light levels - affect only maps (e.g. light a daytime map with dim blue light to make it look like night). Is this worth doing without also adding point lights?

  • Matt's crash during tabletop save caused the player and GM tabletop files to be out of sync. Should make what's saved orthogonal, so only gmOnly data is saved in GM tabletop, and merge them together, so they can't be out of sync.

  • Attached minis don't snap elevation/position (sometimes? start with different elevations?), and can be hidden for going above interest level Y.

  • Prevent dice from re-rolling when you re-open tabletop (probably just clear them if they have a result?)

  • Tabletop permission to disabled "Combine Devices" on the tabletop.

  • Make it possible to override the tabletop scale settings on specific scenarios? Specific maps?

  • Give haptic feedback on long press to start rubber band (and other times?): window.navigator.vibrate(200); // vibrate for 200ms

  • Change rubberBandGroup context to a set of functions to modify selected, rather than a mutable object.

  • Disable "Pick all selected" if none of them can be picked.

  • "Select all here" button/control-A on file browser.

  • Add some way for GMs for force-zoom player cameras to their ping?

  • Allow people to set custom avatar images (overrides their google avatar in the "who's connected" menu and in pings)

  • Audio file support. File browser of audio clips which can be uploaded, configured, picked to add to the tabletop. On the tabletop, have an openable panel for the GM, shows all added audio clips with controls: play/pause, stop, volume control, mute/unmute(?), remove from tabletop. Configuration in file browser could include setting the clip name, whether the clip loops, adding an image/icon/colour for how it displays in the tabletop panel, category name. Some way to random shuffle all clips in a category?

  • Loading an m4v file as a mini caused browser freezes/issues when loaded to tabletop. Should probably verify mime type of newly uploaded files in general (could also check if gif is animated and warn/advise about that too).

  • Write a localFileAPI (or enhance the offlineAPI) to use the HTML5 FileSystem API. To make it fully functional, players would need to be able to pull image and json data (currently read directly from Drive) from the GM client...

  • Cog button in LHS menu to open the current tabletop's settings?

  • Style options for movement paths. Option to use the grid colour of the starting map?

  • Side-view UI to organise maps vertically, group maps into the same level vs. separate levels.

  • Make a pass through the UI's text to consistently use "piece" to mean miniature or template.

  • Sanity checks for rootFolder, to protect against moving things in the Drive UI.

  • Add Drive integration to allow "Open With": https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/integrate-open

  • Support for decks of cards?

  • Bobby: Weird bug that happens sometimes: I click a mini and make it flat, then, leaving the context menu open, I click rename and the entire screen goes white.

  • Try to optimise the order of auth vs anonymous GAPI calls (e.g. when I'm a player, try anonymous first).

  • Toggle grid snap and free move per-mini/template (aka "piece")?

  • Change colour of mini/template name? Formatting?

  • Should store mini background colour swatches in tabletop

  • Dice enhancement: Ability to colour individual dice within a pool (so 4d6 in white, 3d6 in red, 2d6 in black)

  • Dice enhancement: Ability to customise dice faces (text, or uploaded image)

  • Dice enhancement: For games with complex dice pool mechanics, some way to save set-up pools for later re-use

  • Do a pass through reducers, enforcing action.fromPeerId === undefined for most (make a localReducer() wrapper?)

  • Try to re-establish WebRTC after sleeping? Handler for onError?

  • Investigate Dropbox API as a possible alternative to Google Drive.

  • Zig-zag "straight paths" across the grain of hex grids don't always pass through the hexes a human would choose.

  • Check for any props assigned to anonymous functions, which will cause unnecessary re-rendering. https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/docs/rules/jsx-no-bind.md

  • Fog of War elastic rect selection doesn't show up well against rendered grid (since they're the same colour).

  • Ross was trying to navigate with the browser forward/back buttons.

  • Andrew requests a way to draw a multi-line polygon to select an area to clear fog of war.

  • Would be nicer if revealed minis could be attached to hidden ones, and the Redux actions are automagically translated so that they work for both players and GMs.

  • Mini menu is getting large. Perhaps have a "Setup" submenu with Hide/Show, Rename, Duplicate, Scale, Hide Base, Color Base

  • Additional options for minis: "Possibly, having square and circle flat tokens would be fun. If its possible to allow transparency or even change the color of the White "cardboard", we could achieve some really fun effects."

  • Adaptive adjustment of the throttle on messages being sent if they're coming in faster than they can be processed?

  • Multicast mode should have a private GM-only channel for GM-only messages, rather than relying on player clients ignoring them.

  • Make side menu take up less room if not needed (e.g. for players without all the buttons)

  • If I can get raycast to accurately detect a click on a labelSprite, make clicking name label open the rename UI.

  • Some way to specify fixed mini scales directly from the menu (x0.5, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)

  • Apparently, dragging minis on iDevices pans the camera as well

  • Add templates to bundles

  • Prevent adding bundle contents to bundles of your own? If it's allowed, need to handle the fact that (because of the shortcut hack) selecting a bundled scenario doesn't select the corresponding (shortcuts to) maps and minis.

  • When loading a Drive bundle, check if the bundle already exists in the user's Drive (including if it's owned by you.)

  • Dynamic lighting, auto-removing fog of war? Pretty hard to implement nicely...

  • Should store URL-based image URLs in JSON so the appProperty length limit doesn't apply. Will still need to support the webLink appProperty for backwards compatibility :(

  • Disable picking files and file menu (and navigating?) when still uploading.

  • PDF- and zip- based bundles.

  • File browser - if user picks a new image, after editing and saving automatically act as if they had picked it again?

  • Browser compatibility. Need to decide what browsers to support... Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge?

  • It's possible to batch GAPI requests: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/features/batch

  • Highlight on minis at scale < 1 is barely visible.

  • Was seeing something to make me think old PeerNodes were still active when the page reloads, but can't reproduce now.

  • Have labels on minis which are GM-only?

  • Remove backward-compatibility conversion code: startingPosition to movementPath, _x etc. in buildEuler

  • Multi-select in file browser (delete)

  • Option for infinite grid on the plane of the current map.

  • Improve switching between online and offline - ideally, could log in and fetch stuff, then switch to working offline, then sync changes when you get online again, as long as you don't close the browser tab/window.

  • Improve highlight shader - I'd prefer something that does a coloured outline.

  • Adjust image opacity when aligning/scaling grid, in case pushpins or grid don't contrast enough with map.

  • Interpolate mini movement actions from the network?

  • Shader for minis handles transparency wrong. Should just LERP the whole image onto 1,1,1,alpha.

  • Have a textbox of letters/icons/emojis configurable in Tabletop, which become available to toggle on/off on minis to represent statuses or whatever.

  • Doesn't seem to handle it well if the same client logs out and in as different users a few times.

  • Allow minis with things other than circles for top-down? Square plus both orientations of hexes (or maybe auto-align with map if hex-based).

  • Split app into separately loadable sections, to speed up initial load? https://github.com/jamiebuilds/react-loadable

  • Fog of War is a monochrome bitmap with one pixel per tile, but takes up 4 bytes per pixel. Investigate ways to store it as a monochrome image, e.g. https://gist.github.com/vukicevic/8112515 (not sure if the browser doesn't just convert it to 32 bpp internally when it loads it anyway...)

  • Draw a grid in WebGL using fragment shader: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24772598/drawing-a-grid-in-a-webgl-fragment-shader

  • Update to https://github.com/jossef/material-design-icons-iconfont ?


Monster Images

Would be nice if there was a way to buy bundles off content creators (such as A Monster For Every Season from Rich Burlew). Perhaps support the sharing of user-generated packs for such commercial products. If someone set up all the data for one, they could share that file (it's already on drive) and someone else could buy the same pack and use it directly.

Would require the app to be able to handle zip files of images, and extract images from PDFs.



https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/ PDF.js will let you render the PDF to a canvas. Then you can do something like: var img = new Image(); img.src = pdfCanvas.toDataURL();


View mobile chrome console on PC via USB:


Google Resource Key update

"Please update your code as detailed below before September 13, 2021, to avoid failing requests."

Changes to the Drive API The resource key of an item is returned on the resourceKey field of the file metadata in the Drive API response.

If the file is a shortcut file, then the resource key for the target of the shortcut can be read from the shortcutDetails.targetResourceKey field of the same resource. URL type fields such as exportLinks, webContentLink, and webViewLink will include the resourceKey. Requests to the Drive API can specify one or more resource keys with the X-Goog-Drive-Resource-Keys HTTP request header. Learn more about this change from the Drive API guide: https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/resource-keys

Instead of the URL looking like this (no resource key): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v5_qGScNXXXXXhLnFEQQSc6uXXXXX/view?usp=sharing

After the security update, it looks like this (with resource key): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5uG-tXXXXX5OHRldzJyNHXXXXX/view?usp=sharing&amp;resourcekey=0-XXXXXCt-XXXXX4WRe1aA

Tutorial Videos

Tutorial video series showing some of the app's features.

  • Introduction - done

  • Maps

    • Adding map images to gTove - upload image(s) from disk (multiselect), add URL(s), paste image, paste url
    • "NEW" icon and "Edit" menu option
    • Configuring a map
      • Work through the options (grid type, colour etc.)
      • The pushpins
      • Best way to align a grid on a large map
      • Show grid on tabletop
    • Adding maps to tabletop
      • Maps add at camera focus point
      • Focus on empty space next to existing map - snap to the side
      • Focus on existing map - appears default height above.
    • Different visibility states: hidden/revealed vs. covered/uncovered (also, FoW requires a grid)
    • Manipulating a map on the tabletop
      • Lift/lower
      • Reposition: pan, rotate, elevate
    • Focus points, setting default focus point
    • Replacing a map to show a different map image (for secret or changing stuff)
      • Copy grid from existing map
      • If you mess up, what it looks like, you can replace with original (or use undo)
    • Animated maps
  • Miniatures and Templates

    • Collectively known as "pieces"
    • Attaching minis (including attaching hidden notes)
  • Tabletops and Scenarios

    • expected workflow - one tabletop per campaign, plus a prep tabletop
    • Prepare scenarios in advance on the prep tabletop and save as scenarios, or do it on the fly away from player eyes.
    • free movement, configuring movement params
  • Up-scaling the grid to get finer granularity of fog of war - scale up the minis too.