
  • p0
    • *_area should remove from indexes when gone
    • ui:
      • show status effects in ui
      • hover on EntityListItem highlights entities on map
      • wire in clicking in menu items
      • move up/down through menu
    • items:
      • scrolls:
        • confusion
  • p1
    • session recorder for setting up integration test scenarios
    • inventory hotkeys static like brogue
    • multiple floors
    • inventory button
    • save/load game
    • restart after death
    • hp bar ui
    • scaling difficulty
    • more enemies
    • restart after death
    • text isn't as crisp as it ideally would be
      • messing with filtering and antialiasing settings doesn't seem to affect
    • FieldOfView should use circular area instead of square
    • fire can burn and transform
  • refactoring opportunieis:
    • all console messages generated from events
    • refactor down use of globals


  • entity can stop burning when inside fire
  • goblin doesn't disapear with quick attcks:
    • aren't getting properly cleaned up after dieing, workaround timeout in place
  • inventory menu sometimes doesn't size to fit list items
  • goblin sprite anim sometimes overlaps, producing double sprite effect on single tile:
    • combine all anim sheets into single sprite to fix?
  • grammar in console is getting terrible



game ideas

  • find items, find gems:
    • combine items and gems using logic:
      • player has fun discovering synergies
  • different biomes:
    • can combine things between biomes to discover synergies
    • need to use things in one biome to help with things in another:
      • e.g. fire to destroy ice
  • from brogue:
    • efficient, easy, intuitive player actions
    • constrained design:
      • one "perform action" for items instead of drink, read, use, etc.
    • pickup on collide with item
    • visual contrasting
  • genre ideas:
    • one of:
      • pirate
      • generational spaceship gone wrong, inspired by the expanse
      • space bounty hunter, inspired by mandalorian
      • standard tolkien fantasy (bleh)
      • wasteland
  • player may be able to take on properties of defeated enemies
  • make ai smarter:
  • scroll crafting:
    • collect liquids, gems, papers to create scrolls
    • scroll recipes are randomly generated with every game
    • player can risk using ingredients to discover recipes, or find or buy recipe books
    • scrolls can be combined for seemingly emergent syngeries, ala binding of isaac
  • home base:
    • the player can decorate their house
  • themes:
    • dark atmosphere, avoid cute sprites and animations
  • 1-3hr typical playruns
  • mining for coin and materials
  • big color contrasts in tilesets:
    • emulate some of the feel of ascii without being ascii
  • no floors, or minimal use of floors, very large map:
    • dynamically load and unload areas into memory
    • areas should be meaningfully connected
    • clear guide on what areas to visit in what order, ala hollow knight
  • room design:
    • lots of visual contrast between rooms
    • aesthetic changes between rooms
    • room and enemy combinations forces player to think of different tactics
    • power-ups
  • feel:
    • frenetic turn-based:
      • quickly and efficiently execute plans
      • quick, tight animations and movements
  • skill system:
    • is this needed?
  • town and storekeeper:
    • would be great to have for game pacing dynamics
  • make it difficult for players to screw up unintentionally:
    • damage, as much as possible, should be a calculated risk

