
Welcome to Rob's GitHub Pages

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Project List

  1. Virtual Pond is an address book created for CIS 422 at the University of Oregon.

  2. Evolution Tower Defense Is a Unity based game written in C#. The game was designed for mobile, but also compiled for PC play. Click here to play.

  3. Medifor This is a DARPA project. DARPA's Page has a good explenation.

  4. Traffic Controll This projects we programmed and demoed working intersection traffic lights. The program is deisgn to run on multiple edisisons to highlight message passing balancing. We balancing timings on lights, with locking controls for "fair" traffic control.

  5. Rollercoaster- Roller Coaster is a project that balances wait times for people at turn stytles and people riding cars. The point of this assignment is message passing and balancing.

  6. Dining Philosophers - Classic locking problem. This was designed to run on edisions, and prevent from getting any deadlocks or issues.

  7. ATP- Around the Pond is a program to allow users to let users publish and/or subscribe to topics (articles) and allower users to read or post only what they want. It is responsive and scalable and simulates a "news" service or a "publisher" service.

  8. MCP - This is a simulated master control program. The goal is to write a program that will run and schedule workloads for programs on a system.