
Utilities for extracting and analyzing Twilio Studio flows

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tools for analyzing call flows through IVRs built with Twilio Studio.


Clone or unzip this repository into your project directory. If you're using a Virtual Environment, do the following in your project directory:

python3 -m venv ENV
source ENV/bin/activate

Next, install the required Python libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Creates a CSV file of steps within engagements in a Twilio Studio flow, for the given time period, for the purposes of analyzing paths through an IVR.

usage: steps.py [-h] [--after AFTER] [--before BEFORE] [--tz TZ]
                [--output OUTPUT] [--account ACCOUNT] [--password PASSWORD]
                [--subaccount SUBACCOUNT]

positional arguments:
  FLOW                  Flow SID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --after AFTER         yyyy-mm-dd [HH:MM[:SS]]; time defaults to 00:00:00
                        (default: None)
  --before BEFORE, -b BEFORE
                        yyyy-mm-dd [HH:MM[:SS]]; time defaults to 00:00:00
                        (default: None)
  --tz TZ, -t TZ        Time zone name (default: UTC)
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file; defaults to terminal (default: None)
  --account ACCOUNT, -a ACCOUNT
                        Account SID; if not given, value of environment
                        variable TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID (default: None)
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Auth token; if not given, value of environment
                        variable TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN (default: None)
  --subaccount SUBACCOUNT, -s SUBACCOUNT
                        If present, subaccount to use (default: None)

The resulting output will look something like this:

Date/Time,Engagement SID,Contact Address,Step,Event,Next Step
2018-04-08 00:00:10+00:00,FN29b5cf7b979ce3868c1fcde88946b79f,+16175551212,connect_call_to_target,callCompleted,Ended
2018-04-07 23:59:59+00:00,FN29b5cf7b979ce3868c1fcde88946b79f,+16175551212,call_agent,answered,connect_call_to_target
2018-04-07 23:59:52+00:00,FN29b5cf7b979ce3868c1fcde88946b79f,+16175551212,Trigger,incomingRequest,call_agent