
Low-level graphics engine built over SDL2

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple template implementation using SDL for quickly applying the modern OpenGL pipeline to projects.


The easiest way to utilise this library appears to be:

  • Clone the contents of the include directory into your own include directory's root.
  • Clone the contents of the platform relevant lib\<architecture> directory into your relevant lib directories.
  • Clone the platform relevant runtime libraries (.dll) from <configuration>\<architecture> into your relevant build directories.
  • Update the linker to link against:
    • SDL2.lib
    • SDL2_image.lib
    • glew32.lib
    • OpenGL32.lib
    • glu32.lib
    • freetype263.lib
  • Delete the sample main.cpp, to remove the duplicate entry point.
  • Copy the sdl_exp/visualisation directory into your own source directory.
  • Create a new class which extends Scene and overrides all of its virtual methods
    • EntityScene.h & EntityScene.cpp are provided as an example of how to configure your own Scene.
    • TwoPassScene.h & TwoPassScene.cpp are provided as an example of how to configure a more advanced multipass Scene.
    • Make sure to call the constructor of Scene, as this will automatically manage your Projection and ModelView matrices!
  • Within your main method you can now create the Visualisation:
    Visualisation v = Visualisation("Visulisation Example", 1280, 720);
    EntityScene *scene = new EntityScene(v);

Shader Uniforms & Attributes

The Shaders, Entity and Model objects attempt to automatically manage uniforms and attributes, you can assist their functioning by using the below naming schemes for your uniforms and vertex attributes. Each shader object should only be attached to a single entity, otherwise their bindings will all be shared. You can also configure your own static and dynamic uniform floats and ints by calling addStaticUniform() and addDynamicUniform() on the relevant Shaders object.

  • Uniforms:
    • _modelViewMat - ModelView Matrix[mat4]
    • _projectionMat - Projection Matrix[mat4]
    • _modelViewProjectionMat - ModelViewProjection Matrix[mat4]
    • _viewMat - View Matrix[mat4]
    • _normalMat - Normal Matrix[mat3]
    • _texture - Texture Sampler[sampler2D/samplerCube]
    • _materialID - Active material index within material uniform buffer[uint]
    • _materials - Materials uniform block, see example shader material_phong.frag
    • _lights - Lighting uniform block, see example shader material_phong.frag
    • _bones - Bones uniform block, see example shader bone.vert
    • Deprecated:
      • _color - gl_Color equivalent[vec3/vec4] (Material support has replaced this in most example shaders, partial support may still be present)
  • Attributes:
    • _vertex - Vertex Position[vec3/vec4]
    • _normal - Vertex Normal[vec3/vec4]
    • _color - Vertex Color[vec3/vec4]
    • _texCoords - Texture Coordinates[Vec2/Vec3]
    • _boneIDs - Bone indexes, carries 4 individual bone indexes for the vertex[uvec4]
    • _boneWeights - Bone weights, carries 4 individual bone weights[vec4]

Optimus Support

It's possible to force laptops with Optimus hybrid graphics to handle this application with the dedicated GPU by building with the preprocessor macro FORCE_OPTIMUS, this is disabled by default to better facilitate testing on Intel integrated.

CUDA-GL interop

The header visualisation/util/cuda.cuh provides functionality for allocating and freeing OpenGL texture buffers that can be accessed by CUDA. If you wish to write to these textures asynchronously of their accesses by shaders it is recommended you use some form of locking. The header was initially written for use with the CUDA 7.5 API.

In order to enable CUDA compilation/support in the project you must follow these steps:

  • Enable the CUDA build customisation
  • Rename all the .cu.cpp files to .cu. (Without this the .cu.cpp files will not CUDA compiled correctly.)
  • Configure all .cu files to build with the CUDA compiler
  • Add cuda.lib and cudart.lib dependencies to the linker settings


  • Create a CUDATextureBuffer using mallocGLInteropTextureBuffer<float>()
    • Alternatively float can be replaced with int or unsigned int
  • For convenience you can store this inside a TextureBuffer object, which can be treated like other Texture subclasses.
  • You can now access the texture buffer using CUDA:
    • You can use the d_mappedPointer member variable to read/write from the buffer as you would with any normal device pointer.
    • Within CUDA kernels you can read the texture buffers using the texture object API texture fetch functions (e.g. tex1Dfetch<float4>()) passing the cuTextureObj member variable as the first argument.
      • You can pass the cuTextureObj member variable as a kernel parameter or copy it to a device constant
    • Write a vertex shader:
      • The existing shader file instanced_flat.vert provides an example.
      • i and u respectively should be prepended to samplerBuffer, texelFetch() and vec4 in the following steps if you are using int or unsigned int data instead of the default float.
      • Declare a uniform samplerBuffer sampler inside your shader.
      • To access an element of the texture buffer use texelFetch(), passing the identifer of your samplerBuffer as the first argument, and the desired index as the second argument.
        • This returns a vec4, if your element has less than 4 components ignore those you do not require.
        • If you are performing instanced rendering, the second argument is likely gl_InstanceID.
      • If you are writing a vertex shader using a version earlier than 140 you must follow some additional steps:
        • Add #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require to the shader on the line directly after #version.
          • This enables the extension for reading data from the texture buffer.
        • Replace all call calls to texelFetch(), itexelFetch() and utexelFetch() with calls to texelFetchBuffer(). This function returns the right type of vec4, based on the samplerBuffer type.
    • Create a Shaders object from your vertex shader source:
      • Call addTextureUniform() on your Shaders object:
        • The first argument should be the glTexName member variable.
        • The second argument should be the identifier of the uniform sampleBuffer within your vertex shader source.
        • The third argument should be GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER.
    • Pass your Shaders object to an Entity and render!
    • After you have finished using the texture buffer with both OpenGL and CUDA, pass the CUDATextureBuffer to freeGLInteropTextureBuffer(CUDATextureBuffer *texBuf). This will deallocate the texture buffer and delete the CUDATextureBuffer struct.

Additional Usage:

  • To access the texture buffer using OpenGL:
    • Before doing anything with the texture buffer in OpenGL you should bind the buffer using glBindBuffer() passing the glTBO member variable as the argument.
      • The glTBO member variable is the buffers 'name', you can use this with various OpenGL buffer methods.
    • To copy data to the texture buffer using OpenGL you can use glBufferData() passing GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER as the first argument.
    • You can copy data back from the buffer using glGetBufferSubData() passing GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER as the first argument.
    • You can clear the active buffer by calling glBindBuffer(0).
  • To use the texture buffer when manually rendering with OpenGL:
    • After you have linked the shader program:
      • You must set the value of the uniform samplerBuffer within the shader, to the texture unit into which you will load the desired texture buffer.
        • This should be any value from 0 to that of glGet(GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS)-1 (remember this value, it must be reused at render). In most cases you can simply increment this value from 0 for each unique texture, texture units can be reused across seperate render calls per frame.
        • You can use glUniform1i() to then set this value within the shader, where the second parameter can be gained using glGetUniformLocation() if not stated within the vertex shader source.
    • Within your render loop:
      • Activate the texture unit using glActiveTexture()
        • The argument passed to this should be GL_TEXTURE0 + the value you earlier stored in the shaders uniform samplerBuffer
      • Bind the texture buffer to the texture unit using glBindTexture() passing GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER as the first argument, and the glTexName member variable as the second argument.
      • After the render call use glActiveTexture() again, followed by glBindBuffer(0) to clear the texture unit.


All dependent libraries are included within the repo, licenses are available on their respective websites.

  • SDL 2.4.0
  • SDL_image 2.0.1 (texture loading)
  • GLM (consistent C++/GLSL vector maths functionality)
  • GLEW 1.13.0 (GL extension loader)
  • FreeType 2.6.3 (for font loading)
  • assimp 4.1.0 (for loading advanced models)