
Turn a USBButton into a pomodoro timer

Primary LanguageRust


Turn a USBButton into a Pomodoro timer.



Tomatina will configure the USBButton to output a keypress of "ctrl+opt+cmd+t" for short button presses and "ctrl+opt+cmd+u" for long button presses. To be able to observe these signals, we create keyboard shortcuts that trigger Automator services that write to a named pipe. To install these Automator services and set up the keyboard shortcuts, run the following:

$ open config/macOS/workflows/tomatina-primary.workflow
$ open config/macOS/workflows/tomatina-secondary.workflow
$ defaults write pbs NSServicesStatus -dict-add '"(null) - tomatina-primary - runWorkflowAsService"' '{key_equivalent = "^~@t";}'
$ defaults write pbs NSServicesStatus -dict-add '"(null) - tomatina-secondary - runWorkflowAsService"' '{key_equivalent = "^~@u";}'

Then install and run Tomatina with:

$ cargo build --release
$ install target/release/tomatina /usr/local/bin/
$ tomatina