Robert Holland (rh2515) and Chris Hawkes (ch3915)

distributed algorithms, n.dulay, 2 feb 18

coursework 2, multi-paxos

compile and run options

make compile - compile make clean - remove compiled code

make run - run in single node make run SERVERS=n CLIENTS=m CONFIG=p - run with different numbers of servers, clients and - version of configuration file, arguments are optional

make up - make gen, then run in a docker network make up SERVERS= CLIENTS= CONFIG=

make gen - generate docker-compose.yml file make down - bring down docker network make kill - use instead of make down or if make down fails make show - list docker containers and networks

make ssh_up - run on real hosts via ssh (omitted) make ssh_down - kill nodes on real network (omitted) make ssh_show - show running nodes on real network (omitted)


make run WINDOW=num_windows CLIENTS=num_clients SERVERS=servers RANDOM_WAIT=false