Currently it uses a embedded h2 database that persists in a file in project root. So just checkout build and start.
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Find swagger-ui at: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui Raw swagger is at: http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs
Non public structurizer workspace:
workspace {
model {
customer = person "Customer" "Customer of Coolshop"
softwareSystem = softwareSystem "Coolshop system" {
customerContainer = container "Customer Application" {
customerExposure = component "Customer Exposure"
customerDomain = component "Customer Domain"
customerPersistance = component "Customer Persistance"
customerExposure -> customerDomain "Reads and writes Customers"
customerPersistance -> customerDomain "Listen to reads and write for Customers"
orderContainer = container "Order Application" {
orderExposure = component "Order Exposure"
orderDomain = component "Order Domain"
orderPersistance = component "Order Persistance"
customerConnector = component "Connects to Customer container"
orderExposure -> orderDomain "Reads and writes Orders"
orderPersistance -> orderDomain "Listen to reads and write for Orders"
customerConnector -> orderDomain "Listen to reads for Customers"
customerDatabase = container "Customer Database"
orderDatabase = container "Order Database"
customer -> customerExposure "Read and write Customers"
customer -> orderExposure "Read and write Orders"
customerConnector -> customerExposure "Fetches User info"
customerPersistance -> customerDatabase "Reads from and writes to"
orderPersistance -> orderDatabase "Reads from and writes to"
views {
systemContext softwareSystem "SystemContext" {
include *
container softwareSystem "containerContext" {
include *
component customerContainer "customerContainer" {
include *
component orderContainer "orderContainer" {
include *
styles {
element "Software System" {
background #1168bd
color #ffffff
element "Person" {
shape person
background #08427b
color #ffffff