
A study on whether Research Ethics Committees request sample size calculations

Primary LanguageDockerfile

In this study, we assessed whether application forms to Research Ethics Committees contained requests for sample size justifications and sample size calculations.

A study protocol was pre-registered on the Open Science Framework at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/RHW3M

This deposit includes the following folders and files:

#### environment ####

Dockerfile contain the environment necessary to execute the analysis.Rmd file

##### code #####

flowchart.PNG is the flowchat figure

analysis.Rmd contained the analysis script and outputs the data for Figure 1 of the manuscript in the file analysis.pdf

##### data #####

rec_data_raw.csv contains the raw data, including archived links to the ethics forms

A codebook is provided in the file rec_codebook.csv and outline the meaning of each variable name in rec_data_raw.csv

#### additional details ####

All data and codebooks are in CSV format and can be opened using a number of software packages.

The analysis code was written in RMarkdown. The dependencies necessary to run the code are provided in the Dockerfile. The easiest way to re-run the code is by clicking "Reproducible Run" in this manuscript's reproducible container on Code Ocean [insert link when ready]. Running the code will output the numbers used for Figure 1 of the manuscript in pdf format. Alternatively, R can be downloaded from www.r-project.org/