
Description of the name space of the k8s cluster responsible for the deployment of a website for the sale of socks. To run in a separate cluster, use the following command:


Description of the name space of the k8s cluster responsible for the deployment of a website for the sale of socks.

Running the Code

To run the site, you must have your own k8s cluster. In the beginning, clone this repository to the machine from which you administer k8s. In each .yaml file, change the namespace to your own. In the ingress-front-end.yaml change the domain name to the one you need.Once you have this repository on your machine, cd into the repository's root directory and run the following commands from the command line:

> kubectl create -k ./

Required resources

To launch the site, you will need the following amount of resources: requests.cpu: 1/1, requests.memory: 1814Mi/2Gi, limits.cpu: 1900m/3, limits.memory: 3628Mi/4Gi. To find out the amount of resources consumed, use the command:

> kubectl get resourcequotas