This repository is a collection of pieces that can be used to put Clarion systems together. Not push button solutions, and from my somewhat limited perspective these seem like useful pieces of code techniques that can be used across different languages, in different forms. You will have to do some thinking about how you architech systems, how easy-to-use software from the users perpective flows, how mantain, update, and backup systems.
These pieces use a mumber of the repositories freely available from the author and other sources. You will need to install templates, work on directory structures, might even need to purchase some sowftware from some Clarion vendors. Use what you feel confortable with, and please ask questions. You might even want to contribute something back. Reach out if you feel like doing something. There is plenty do do, and by contributing examples, and by doing webinars explaining the reasons for your decisions, we will all learn something.
You can even create something on your own reposityory. There is always room for new ways to apply known concepts. And code is the greatest arbitrator of operational systems reality. It either works for your needs in some form, or it does not work for your needs and you move on. If you create your own repository, I will look forward to the examination of your techniques.
Go to the WIKI if you need some explanation. As pieces get created, documentation should follow.
The dreamstate, your dreamstate, is not intelligent, it is intelligence.
That’s what it means to say thoughts are things. That’s the integration that occurs when we overcome the false segregation between self and environment.
There are no particles or atoms or building blocks, there is no time, space, energy or matter, there is only intelligence.
All appearance -- clouds, feelings, bananas, beliefs, self, toothpaste -- is intelligence and nothing else.
Jedvaita: The Way the World Unfolds
“In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”
- Marcus Aurelius
“A good conscience fears no witness, but a guilty conscience is solicitous even in solitude. If we do nothing but what is honest, let all the world know it. But if otherwise, what does it signify to have nobody else know it, so long as I know it myself? Miserable is he who slights that witness”
- Seneca
“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.”
- Martin Luther King