
OpenAI CLIP converted to Tensorflow 2/Keras

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


OpenAI CLIP converted to Tensorflow 2/Keras

Official Repository: https://github.com/openai/CLIP

Model conversion

$ python convert_clip.py --help

       USAGE: convert_clip.py [flags]

  --[no]all: Export all versions. (will use output location if image_output or
    text_output are not present)
    (default: 'false')
  --image_output: Image encoder Keras SavedModel output destination (optional)
  --model: <RN50|RN101|RN50x4|ViT-B/32>: CLIP model architecture to convert
    (default: 'RN50')
  --output: CLIP Keras SavedModel Output destination
    (default: 'models/CLIP_{model}')
  --text_output: Text encoder Keras SavedModel output destination (optional)


$ python convert_clip.py --model RN50 --output models/CLIP_{model}


Copying weights: 100%|██████████| 482/482 [00:00<00:00, 674.13it/s]
I0523 18:18:40.867926 4600192512 builder_impl.py:774] Assets written to: CLIP_RN50/assets

Model: "clip"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
visual (ModifiedResNet)      multiple                  38370144  
transformer (Transformer)    multiple                  37828608  
ln_final (LayerNorm)         multiple                  1024      
Total params: 102,060,385
Trainable params: 102,007,137
Non-trainable params: 53,248
Classify image: https://github.com/openai/CLIP/blob/main/CLIP.png?raw=true
Text options: ['a diagram', 'a dog', 'a cat', 'a neural network']
Pytorch: [[0.24351287 0.00320374 0.00082513 0.7524583 ]]
Tensorflow: [[0.24351244 0.00320391 0.0008252  0.7524584 ]]

Process finished with exit code 0

Exporting standalone encoders:

Image encoder:

$ python convert_clip.py --model RN50 --image_output models/CLIP_image_{model}

Text encoder:

$ python convert_clip.py --model RN50 --text_output models/CLIP_image_{model}

Currently supported models:

  • RN50
  • RN101
  • RN50x4
  • RN50x16
  • RN50x64
  • ViT-B/32
  • ViT-B/16
  • ViT-L/14
  • ViT-L/14@336px


  • Convert PyTorch to Tensorflow model (RN)
  • Export as Tensorflow SavedModel
  • ViT conversion
  • Export standalone image and text encoders
  • Installable pip package
  • Improve API: loading model, usage
  • Float16 support
  • Make PyTorch dependency optional (only for updating model from official weights)
  • Implement training