
Laravel Pulse Card for 4XX responses like validation, auth and not found

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4XX requests for Laravel Pulse

Laravel Pulse Card for 4XX responses like validation, auth and not found

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Laravel Pulse Card for 4XX responses like validation, auth and not found.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require morrislaptop/laravel-pulse-4xx

Register the recorder

Add the FourXxRecorder to the config/pulse.php file.

return [
    // ...
    'recorders' => [
+       \Morrislaptop\LaravelPulse4xx\FourXxRecorder::class => [
+           'enabled' => env('PULSE_4XX_ENABLED', true),
+           'sample_rate' => env('PULSE_4XX_SAMPLE_RATE', 1),
+           'ignore' => [
+               '#^/wp-admin#', // Classic WordPress...
+           ],
+       ],

Add to your dashboard

To add the card to the Pulse dashboard, you must first publish the vendor view.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=pulse-dashboard

Then, you can modify the dashboard.blade.php file:

+   <livewire:4xx cols='4' rows='2' />

    <livewire:pulse.servers cols="full" />

    <livewire:pulse.usage cols="4" rows="2" />

    <livewire:pulse.queues cols="4" />

    <livewire:pulse.cache cols="4" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-queries cols="8" />

    <livewire:pulse.exceptions cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-requests cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-jobs cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-outgoing-requests cols="6" />



composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.