
See audio in the terminal with many intuitive professional analyzers for music.

Primary LanguagePython

Terminal See Audio


Similar to Adobe Audition, this project will check the audio information quickly inside of terminal.


Python library can be installed with pip install -r requrements.txt.

Terminal library: ffmpeg, sox.

Image Viewer Library

There are several options:

  • T-IMG library can be found at timg and install;
  • Terminal Image Viewer (TIV) library can be found at tiv and install (optional);

Usage tutorial

Simple script will learn.


python see.py <input_file>
  • input_file is the path of input audio file as long as program will recognize;



  • two numbers: starting time & ending time;
    • example: 10 20 means to split audio from 10s to 20s;
    • time support in hms format, such as: 1h2m3.4s
  • empty string '' (press return without input): plot last generated graphics;
  • p: play last analyzed audio;
    • pp: play the partition of audio where used for analyzers;
  • q: quit program;
  • r: reset starting and ending time;
  • m: change the mode of showing graphics; there are several modes can be changed;
    • fft and fbank changes the y axis transform;
    • power and log change the color density (spectral values) transform of graphics;
    • mono and stereo change the channel number to be 1 or not 1 if have;
    • spectral and entropy: to plot spectral or Shannon's entropy;
    • color and nocolor: some analyzer will be colorful by its pitch or not;
    • example: m fft means switch to fft mode;
  • nonlinear: simulate the nonlinear effect due to the physical structure of ear/cochlea when hearing a very loud sound;
    • number: nonlinear coefficient (sound louder, number will be larger);
    • example: nonlinear 5 will transform audio into nonlinear form at the parameter of 5;
  • sr: change the sample rate of showing audio;
    • example: sr 16000 means switch to 16000Hz sample rate;
  • fr: change the video frame rate for analyzer;
    • example: fr 30 means switch to 30Hz video frame rate;
  • o: change the input audio file path;
    • example: o demo/june.ogg or o "demo/june.ogg" means change input audio file to demo/june.ogg;
  • h: to print README.md file (this file) as help;


  • analyzers for short period signals, or to generate videos;
    • #: piano, #=: chroma gram piano, @: spiral, *%: phase, *<: source angle, *-*: source location, |: strings, &: tonnetz;
      • number: @10 is to analyze 10~s spectral;
      • '': empty is to plot last analyzed analyzer graphics;
      • two numbers: generate video of analyzer at starting time & ending time;
      • *: play last calculated analyzer video result;
  • ##: to plot piano roll, ##=: chroma gram piano roll;
    • two numbers: plot piano roll at starting time & ending time; #10 20 will calculate the piano roll of 10s to 20s;
    • '': plot last calculated piano roll result;
  • ^: calculate the spectral tuning peaks frequencies (peaks) and plot;
    • number: ^10 is to extract 10~s peaks frequencies components, music note names, and its frequency power at combined channel * and separate channel number;
    • two numbers: starting time + tuning frequency (Hz), then plot tuning graphics, ^0 99.041Hz or ^0 G2+18.31c to plot tuning graphics at 0~s with tuning frequency 99.041Hz or G2+18.31c;
  • >: to play sine wave the given frequency;
    • number+Hz: to play sound directly from number of frequency; >440Hz is to play sound at 440Hz;
    • music notes name: to play sound translate from music notes; >a4 is to play a4 notes; >a4-50c is to play sound at a4 but with 50 cents lower;
    • number+m: define sound source distance;
    • number+rad or number+deg: define sound source angle;
    • number+s: define duration to play;


  • = (WARNING: may cause fatal crash): to eval in python (simple calculation) or to exec in python (set system parameters);

    • example: =1+1 to get answer 2;

    • example: =self.n_window=512 to set the n_window to 512;

  • sh: to execute shell script;

    • example: sh echo $PATH to show $PATH variable;

Path can be auto-complete and the space ' ' can be replaced by \s.


Functions can be tested with ./demo/june.ogg of piano song (Tchaikovsky - June Barcarolle Op. 37 No. 6; I played) with:

python see.py

More clear image can be achieved by setting smaller font size in terminal.

