Bookmark Manager

This week, you will build a web app that stores web bookmarks in a database.

Concepts and skills for the week


  • Object-relational mappers
  • Relationships between data in a database
  • SQL, the database query language
  • Data encryption
  • Rake
  • HTML forms
  • Web app deployment


  • Designing data relationships using an object-relational mapper
  • Designing a database schema
  • Manipulating data using the CRUD cycle
  • Structuring more complex MVC applications
  • Refactoring more complex apps
  • Creating user stories

The project

You're going to build a bookmark manager. A bookmark manager is a website to maintain a collection of URLs. You can use it to save a webpage you found useful. You can add tags to the webpages you saved to find them later. You can browse links other users have added.

User stories

As a Makers Student
So I can know whats in the database
I want to see a list of all the links

As a Makers Student
So I can update the database
I want to be able to add new links

As a Makers Student
So I can categorise the database
I want to be able to add tags to links

As a Makers Student
So I can narrow a search
I want to be able to filter links via tags

As a time-pressed user
So that I can quickly go to web sites I regularly visit
I would like to see a list of links on the homepage

Objects Messages
links,database see a list
links add new
tags, links add tags to links
tags filter tags, search