Transport for London, the body responsible for delivery of a new bike system, come to you with a plan: a network of docking stations and bikes that anyone can use. They want you to build a program that will emulate all the docking stations, bikes, and infrastructure (repair staff, and so on) required to make their dream a reality.

Domain models

Below are some domain models representing

User story nouns

Person, bike, docking stations

User story verbs

Use (bike), release (bike), check (bike)

User story tables

Object Messages
Bike working?
DockingStation release_bike

User story diagrams

Person -> check_bike -> Bike Docking_Station -> release_bike -> Bike

Errors are Good:

Error type:
NameError: uninitialized constant DockingStation
File path:
/usr/share/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/bin/irb:11:in `

line number of error:
What does this error mean:
This error occurs when the code refers to a class or module that it can't find. Suggested solution:
Define a class or module with the name DockingStation.