
Doral Education System

Primary LanguagePHP

Doral Education System


  • Answering 'When is it?':
    • Resources:
    • Suggestions:
      • Have an SQL table named days or something better and have the following information for each of the school days:
        • date [Type: DATE; Ex. '2020-04-16']
        • type [Type: VARCHAR(2); 'N' or 'S']
        • day (or a better name) [Type: VARCHAR(1); 'A' or 'B']
    • Functions:
      • dayType($date)
        • Returns 'ND' for a Normal Day (7:30 AM to 3:30 PM) and 'SD' for a Short Day (7:30 AM to 12:30 PM)
        • dayType("") returns the day type for the current day.
        • Ex.
          • 4/16/2020 → 'ND'
          • 4/17/2020 → 'SD'
      • dayAB($date)
        • Returns 'A' or 'B', the type of
        • dayAB("") returns the type of day for the current day.
        • Ex.
          • 4/16/2020 → 'A'
          • 4/17/2020 → 'B'
      • per($date, $time)
        • Returns the period number corresponding with the given date and time.
        • per("", "") returns the current period (of the current timestamp).
        • Must take into account short days (use dayType) and if the day is an 'A' or 'B' day (use dayAB).
        • Ex.
          • 4/16/2020 @ 7:53 AM → '1'
          • 4/16/2020 @ 9:17 AM → '3'
          • 4/16/2020 @ 9:17 AM → '2'
      • sendAttend($date, $per, $facID)
        • Sends the attendance of the given date and period for the given teacher to the teacher's email.
        • Must distinguish clearly between who was present and who was not.
        • Use the sendEmail function to send the email.

For all functions, when an invalid input is given, die with a proper error message (Ex. die("ERROR: Date given is not a school day!");).