
Super Nintendo Controller/Mouse to USB HID

MIT LicenseMIT


SNES-2-USB is a controller adapter that converts Super Nintendo controllers and mice into standard USB HID devices. Powered by SNESpad and GP2040-CE the USB adapter can operate in X-input, PS3, PS4, Switch, or keyboard modes.

This repo will be used for issue tracking and firmware releases with proper change logs.


GP2040-CE Controller

A custom GP2040-CE build for the SNES-2-USB.


A dedicated SNES mouse to USB HID mouse firmware for SNES-2-USB.

Firmware Update Instructions

  1. Disconnected adapter from the console and all connected USB devices.
  2. While holding the boot(+) button, connect the USB-C port to a computer.
  3. A virual drive called RPI-RP2 will appear, drag-n-drop the UF2 update file onto the drive.
  4. The virtual drive will automatically unmount when the update is completed. 🚀


Adafruit KB2040 -> https://www.adafruit.com/product/5302

SNES Arduino Shield -> https://www.flux.ai/robertdalesmith/snes-controller-arduino-nano-shield