RobertElbertse's Stars
Panasonic Comfort Cloud Client for node.js to control air conditioning systems over REST API.
Adapter to control devices in the Panasonic Comfort Cloud. It uses REST calls which are extracetd from the official Comfort Cloud app. To use the a adpter you need to enter your username and password in the configuration. They are used to authenticate access to the Comfort Cloud. Information of all devices is automatically retrieved and inserted as an object. The adpter polls the device information cyclically (see interval in the settings) and sends commands directly to the cloud.
Control panasonic comfort cloud ac's
Panasonic Comfort Cloud - Home Assistant Component
Panasonic Air Conditioner / Heat Pump plugin for HomeBridge using the Panasonic Comfort Cloud API to expose Panasonic Air Conditioners to Apples HomeKit
Panasonic Comfort Cloud HA component
TypeScript and Javascript language support for Atom-IDE
A python module for reading and changing status of panasonic climate devices through Panasonic Comfort Cloud app api