
Auto create missing SNK files on build

Primary LanguageC#

This project tries to tackle a problem most .Net/Mono open source projects have:

  • You want to sign your assemblies so they can be used by signed assemblies
  • You do not want to give away those key files
  • Your code should compile without hitches directly after cloning it

It is just an msbuild target that is executed before the actual CoreCompile. It will check whether the project has a key file and if that is the case whether that key file does exist. If it doesn't, it will create one with that filename/path.

To use it, just install the nuget package into every project that is signed with a key file.

I changed it to use a custom MSBuild Task instead of CodeTaskFactory.
It should work on Mono now and won't break every time some joker at Microsoft decides to change where to find the Tasks.v*.dll.