
PHP-Ecommerce PHP 8

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PHP-Ecommerce PHP 8

Admin Superuser Information url: http://fcs.loc/admin E-mail : admin@gmail.com Password: asl;d235123ss##4!@DER


This is a small demonstration of the project you can learn more about the project after installation.

screencapture-fcs-loc-2022-05-21-03_26_04 screencapture-fcs-loc-wishlist-2022-05-21-03_26_21 screencapture-fcs-loc-category-planshety-2022-05-21-03_26_49 screencapture-fcs-loc-user-credentials-2022-05-21-03_27_23

admin panel screenshots:

This is a small demonstration of the project you can learn more about the project after installation.

screencapture-fcs-loc-admin-2022-05-20-20_48_21 screencapture-fcs-loc-admin-category-2022-05-20-20_48_34 screencapture-fcs-loc-admin-category-add-2022-05-20-20_48_42 screencapture-fcs-loc-admin-product-2022-05-20-20_48_55 screencapture-fcs-loc-admin-product-add-2022-05-20-20_49_05

The final functionality of the Ecommerce

User registration and authorization;

Buyer's personal account;

Editing credentials;

Tree of categories menu subcategories;

Shopping cart and checkout;

Making an order;

Remove items from the shopping cart;

Product categories with unlimited nesting level;

Product Search;

Digital Goods;

Standard products;

Adding a product to favorites;

The ability to download digital goods via dynamic links;

Bread crumbs;



Home page;

Page with category;

Slider Output;

Getting goods by language;

Product page;

Page 404;

List of user orders;

Viewing an order;

List of user's digital goods;

Downloading a digital product;

Admin Panel

Category Management;

Product Management;

Order Management;

User Management;

Managing permanent site pages;

Cache Management;

Slider control.