
public repo for cs 373 project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to run the tests:

To run tests make sure all requirments, as noted in requirements section, are met. All tests can be run via the makefile in the root directory as described below:

Selenium Tests:

make selenium

Mocha Tests:

make mocha

Backend Tests:

make backend

API Tests:

make postman

Running All Tests:

make tests

note: make tests runs in this order -> selenium, mocha, backend, and then API


Before running anything below make sure you have npm installed and pip installed for python 2.7. Some pip dependencies may require additional installs using apt-get.

In the root directory run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

In the static directory run:

npm install
npm install -g newman

For the selenium driver:

A selenium driver for linux is located in the tests directory. If you would rather use your own driver, you will need to change the guitests.py to reflect the location of your driver.

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