Handy guide to accept payments with stripe checkout.
Install the Heroku toolbelt from here https://toolbelt.heroku.com to launch, stop and monitor instances. Sign up for free at https://www.heroku.com if you don't have an account yet.
Install Node from here https://nodejs.org, this will be the server environment. Then open up Terminal or Command Line Prompt and make sure you've got the very most recent version of npm by installing it again:
sudo npm install npm -g
Create a new folder somewhere and let's create a new Node project. Hit Enter to accept the defaults.
npm init
Install the additional Node dependencies. Express is for the server, request is for sending out messages and body-parser is to process messages.
npm install stripe express pug body-parser --save
Create an index.js file in the folder and copy this into it. We will start by authenticating the bot.
'use strict'
const keyPublishable = process.env.PUBLISHABLE_KEY;
const keySecret = process.env.SECRET_KEY;
const app = require('express')()
const stripe = require('stripe')(keySecret)
extended: false
// Default routing file
* @param {} '/'
* @param {} (req
* @param {} res
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
message: 'Nothing to see here!! 😘'
// Charge 1.00 dollars
* @param {} '/donate'
* @param {} (req
* @param {} res
app.post('/donate', (req, res) => {
let amount = req.query.amount;
if (typeof amount === 'undefined' || amount === null) {
amount = 500; // 1 dollar as the default.
email: req.body.stripeEmail,
source: req.body.stripeToken
.then(customer =>
description: 'Donate' + amount,
currency: 'usd',
customer: customer.id
.then(charge => res.redirect('https://robertgabriel.ninja/thankyou'))
* @param {} 'port'
* @param {} process.env.PORT||5000
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 5000);
// Spin up the server
* @param {} app.get('port'
* @param {} function(
app.listen(app.get('port'), function () {
console.log('running on port', app.get('port'))
6. Make a file called Procfile and copy this. This is so Heroku can know what file to run.
```web: node index.js```
7. Commit all the code with Git then create a new Heroku instance and push the code to the cloud.
git init
git add .
git commit --message "hello world"
heroku create
git push heroku master
8. Get your Stipe Keys. To get you pecify values for the publishable and secret key environment variables from stripe. Click [here](https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys) .
9. On Heroku, its easy to create dynamic runtime variables (known as [config vars](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars)). This can be done in the Heroku dashboard UI for your app.
10. Pug example
form(action="https://{{app-id}}.herokuapp.com/donate?amount={{amout to pay}}", method="post", id="stripe-donate")
label.control-label(for='amount') Amount to Donate in Dollars/Euros
input.form-control(id="amount" type="number",placeholder="1 = 1 dollar/euro")
| Rememeber this is in dollars/euros
code span.help-block.hint
data-name="Robert James Gabriel",