Project Management - Client

Table of contents

General info

Project Management is application created under university science club - "Referencja".

Project Management is an application that will help you manage IT projects. This repository contains a frontend application implementation using React. The project was initialized with create-react-app.

Screenshots - Design of application

First screenshot

Second screenshot


Technologies and libraries

  • react
  • redux
  • react-router-dom
  • axios
  • bootstrap
  • scss (Styling)
  • jest + enzyme (Tests)

Getting Started


  • Node
  • Yarn


  1. After cloning or extracting the .zip files of this repository:

    cd ProjectManagementClient\projectManagmentClient

  2. Install dependencies:

    yarn or yarn install

  3. After installation of dependencies, you must create .env files, I've already created sample file in the repository, you need to rename them and provide your environment variables:

    .envClient to .env

  4. Start the project:

    yarn start


Section in progress


Project is in progress. We are curently working on our first version of server side. Currently brake due to other university


Distributed under the MIT License.


Created by:

Feel free to contact us!