
Simple online store implemented with React and Redux. The project was created in order to learn redux-saga, connect with Firebase and learn GraphQL (testing).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ecommerce - ND Shop

test admin account: Login: test@test.test Password: Zaq12wsx

Simple shop connected with firebase and stripe payments.


A project of a simple general online store to learn how to communicate with firebase and to learn how to handle payments.

Languages & tools

Language: JavaScript

Framework: React + Redux

Framework backend: Express (Firebase functions)

Other tools:

  • Scss
  • MaterialUI
  • Jest + Enzyme (tests)
  • Axios
  • Stripe
  • firebase
  • react-router-dom

Project Status

The project is ready. There was no plan to do form validation.


  • Add products as a Admin
  • Shopping cart service
  • Order history
  • Firebase login (Email and Google)
  • Stripe payments (Only make in withFunctions branch)
  • Redux-Saga for async
  • tests (to do)

Installation and Setup Instructions



  1. After cloning or extracting the .zip files of this repository:
    cd ecommerce

  2. Next go to functions file and install dependencies:
    cd functions
    nppm i
    cd ..

  3. Next go to client and install dependencies:
    cd ..

  4. After installation of dependencies, you must create .env and Config files, I've already created sample files in the repository, you need to rename them and provide your environment variables.
    Rename files:
    src\firebase\templateConfig.js to src\firebase\firebaseConfig.js
    src\stripe\templateConfig.js to src\stripe\stripeConfig.js
    functions\.envSample to functions\.env
    Enter yours secrets and Keys

  5. Start application in root folder (Client):
    yarn start

  6. Start application in functions folder (Client):
    npm run serve

Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.