A simple gem which allows you to bind global hot keys with macruby, optionally can also specify which application needs to be frontmost (inspired by Keyboard Maestro)
gem install hotkeys
macruby examples/simple.rb
Usage example:
macruby examples/simple.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'hotkeys'
# Delegate method called when the app finished loading
def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification)
@hotkeys = HotKeys.new
# Will only trigger if Safari is frontmost application, second option can be left blank
# for truly global shortcut
@hotkeys.addHotString("Space+OPTION","com.apple.safari") do
# Seriously for a second; For some reason a global hotkey or at least
# the way I've got it to working blocks the keystroke. Which I guess is normal?
# Maybe I'll hack around that with system events for a bypass option, it wouldn't
# be elegate, but this is new territory anywho
@hotkeys.addHotString("S+COMMAND") do
puts "NO SAVING FOR YOU, LOL" # Trolled myself with this for longer than I should of
# We are delegating the application to self so the script will know when
# it finished loading
NSApplication.sharedApplication.delegate = self
- Clean up shortcut.m
- Cannot unbind keys, (anyone awesome at objective+c?)