
This page will guide You how surprise-crud package works.

Please check out also my surprisejs-cors library, which setup cors in Your express app very quickly, with small amount of work from Your side.


You will need the following things installed on your computer. At this moment, this package works only with MongoDB and Express, but soon will be working also with PostgreSQL database and Koa.js framework

  • Node.js (with NPM)

  • Express

  • MongoDB

  • Mongoose

  • Project configured with:

    • working express.Router(),
    • working connection to MongoDB
    • bodyParser
  • or just use my example app below.

Example app



Just simply install package with npm:
npm install --save surprise-crud

After installing package, go to any of Your route file ( or create new one ) and import package:

import { crud } from 'surprise-crud'


const { crud } = require('surprise-crud')

Your imports should now looks like:

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const { crud } = require('surprise-crud')

Now we can move to configuration.


After setup, just add this line to Your router file:

crud(model, router, options)

You probably think, what model and options are? So let's start talking about how this CRUD function works.

model It's the first argument. I'm sure You have a model for Your collection already, but if not:

  • read Mongoose Models docs,
  • create model,
  • import it to route file
  • replace the first argument with Your model.

router It's the second argument which You already have imported from express.Router().

This is the last argument. options is an object containing:

	sort: String (You can pass here any name of key from collection. Default is 'createdAt')
	methods: Array of strings (You can pass here any of available methods mentioned below in Available Methods section. By default all of them are selected)
	pathFromCollection: { type: Boolean, default: true } (described below)

Available Methods

Get and GetPagination methods also includes filtering which is optional! (more in section Filtering)

  • Get
Method: GET, path: /?filter=key&filterBy=value
  • GetById
Method: GET, path: /:id
  • GetPagination
Method: GET, path: /page/:page/limit/:limit?filter=key&filterBy=value
  • Post
Method: POST, path: /
  • Put
Method: PUT, path: /:id
  • Delete
Method: DELETE, path: /:id


By default URLs for Your endpoints are /api/your-collection-name/:method, cause pathFromCollection option is set to TRUE

You can disable it by setting

	pathFromCollection: false

in options object and defining endpoint name on Your own as first parameter of app.use() in Your app

Endpoints name examples

  • Collection name: Users
  • Example method: Get
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Path: /api/users

  • Collection name: Users
  • Example method: GetPagination
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Path: /api/users/page/:page/limit/:limit

  • Collection name: Projects
  • Example method: Post
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Path: /api/projects

  • Collection name: Projects
  • Example method: Put
  • HTPP Method: PUT
  • Path: /api/projects/:id


Filters are built of:

  • filter is a key which You want to compare from Model

  • filterBy is a value which You're looking for in filter key

Imagine we have a User model which has 3 keys: name, surname, age.

	User: {
		name: String,
		surname: String,
		age: Number

What if we want to find every User whose name is Patrick?:


We want to paginate them with limit 5 per page?:


Real code examples

Example app

  • Example route file with only Get and GetById method and sort by name:


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const Currency = require('../models/Currency');
const { crud } = require('surprise-crud');

crud(Currency, router, { methods: ['Get', 'GetById'], sort: 'name' });

module.exports = router;


	Method: GET, path: /api/currencies
	Method: GET, path: /api/currencies/5ca253b595477000045187b2

  • Example route file with custom route name ( pathFromCollection set to false ) :


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const User = require('../models/User');
const { crud } = require('surprise-crud');

crud(User, router, { pathFromCollection: false });

module.exports = router;

and You have to define route name in Your app.use():


app.use('/superusers', require('./routes/users/route'))


	Method: GET,    path: /api/superusers
	Method: GET,    path: /api/superusers/page/1/limit/5
	Method: GET,    path: /api/superusers/5ca253b595477000045187b2
	Method: POST,   path: /api/superusers
	Method: PUT,    path: /api/superusers/5ca253b595477000045187b2
	Method: DELETE, path: /api/superusers/5ca253b595477000045187b2

  • Example route file with every methods ( remember they're default, so if You don't pass any method array, every method will be available ) and default sort:


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const User = require('../models/User');
const { crud } = require('surprise-crud');

crud(User, router);

module.exports = router;


	Method: GET,    path: /api/users
	Method: GET,    path: /api/users/page/1/limit/5
	Method: GET,    path: /api/users/5ca253b595477001055a47b2
	Method: POST,   path: /api/users
	Method: PUT,    path: /api/users/5ca253b595477001055a47b2
	Method: DELETE, path: /api/users/5ca253b595477001055a47b2
  • Example with doing everything in app.js without external files:


const express = require('express')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const Currency = require('../models/Currency');
const { crud } = require('surprise-crud');

const app = express()
const router = express.Router();

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

app.use(crud(Currency, router, { methods: ['Post', 'Delete'] }));

//rest of stuff to start server


	Method: POST, path: /api/currencies
	Method: DELETE, path: /api/currencies/5ca253b935377011053a47b2




If You get some problems, don't be afraid to contact or create an issue :)




