
Modified code from the paper "The low-rank hypothesis of complex systems".

Primary LanguagePython

The low-rank hypothesis of complex systems

Code to generate the results of the paper The low-dimension hypothesis of complex systems.

Network datasets

The real networks and their properties (e.g., effective ranks) used in this project are available in graphs/graph_data/datasets_table.txt. Most of the network datasets were downloaded from the Netzschleuder network catalogue in the .gt.zst file format into the graph_data/netzschleuder/ subdirectory. We also provide the links and details for other network datasets in the last section of the supplementary material of the paper.

Python scripts


The dynamics/ folder contains the code for the integration of various nonlinear dynamics on graphs and to compute the alignment errors.

  • dynamics.py contains the vector fields of the high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics on graphs.
  • reduced_dynamics.py contains two alternative functions for each reduced vector fields: one in tensor form and one that uses the functions of the vector fields defined dynamics.py.
  • error_vector_fields.py contains every functions needed to compute the error upper bound in the paper (e.g., the Jacobian, $x'$, ...).
  • integrate.py contains integrators for dynamics on graphs: rk4, dopri45, a function that uses scipy.integrate.ode. Ultimately, we use scipy.integrate.solve_ivp with BDF in simulation/.


The graphs/ folder contains the code to extract real networks, generate random graphs (e.g, $S^1$ model, degree-corrected SBM, configuration models), among others.

  • get_real_networks.py allows to extract the networks that are not Netzschleuder with functions such as get_<type of network>(graph_name).
  • generate_random_graphs.py allows to generate graphs from various random graphs with fixed parameters or random parameters.
  • generate_degree_corrected_stochastic_block_model.py contains the function degree_corrected_stochastic_block_model, a generator of graphs from the degree-corrected stochastic block model (DCSBM).
  • generate_soft_configuration_model.py contains the random graph generator soft_configuration_model for the directed soft configuration model (DSCM) and the random graph generator weighted_soft_configuration_model for the weighted directed soft configuration model (WDSCM).
  • generate_S1_random_graphs.py contains the function s1_model, a generator of graphs from the random geometric model $S^1$.
  • compute_tensors.py contains different functions to compute the tensors arising in the dimension reduction of the paper.
  • split_weight_nws, by Gabriel Eilerstein, contains the function unpack that allows to separate layer weights for convolutional and fully connected layers in convolutional neural networks from nws.
  • extract_graph_properties.py and extract_graph_properties_non_netzschleuder.ipynb extracts various properties and add them to the file properties/graph_properties.txt and graph_data/graph_properties_augmented.txt respectively. For weighted graphs, this is at this stage that the keyword used to include the weights into the adjacency matrix must be chosen if the edge property corresponding to weights is not called weight in the dataset. The graph will be considered as binary if this last step is omitted.
  • graphs/graph_data/ contains some connectomes, the gut microbiome network, and graph properties .txt files for the real networks.

Simulations for the dynamics

The simulation/ folder contains the code to compute the alignment errors, the trajectories and the equilibrium points for the different dynamics of the paper.

  • errors_qmf_sis.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3a.
  • errors_wilson_cowan.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3b.
  • errors_microbial.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3c.
  • errors_rnn.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3d.
  • bifurcations_qmf_sis.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3e.
  • bifurcations_wilson_cowan.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3f.
  • bifurcations_microbial.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3g.
  • trajectories_rnn.py allows to generate the data to get Fig.~3h.
  • simulation/simulation_data/ contains all the data to generate Fig. 3 of the paper.

Singular values and effective ranks

Once one or more new network datasets have been added to the graph_data/netzschleuder/ and graph_data/ subdirectories, their singular values, rank and effective ranks can computed by executing the following scripts from the singular_values/ folder in this specific order.

  1. compute_singular_values.py computes the singular values for every new network datasets from Netzschleuder in graph_data/netzschleuder/. The singular values are saved into the file properties/singular_values/<dataset name>_singular_values.txt.
  2. compute_singular_values_non_netzschleuder.py computes the singular values for specific network datasets not from Netzschleuder in graph_data/. The singular values are saved into the file properties/<dataset name>_singular_values.txt.
  3. compute_effective_ranks.py computes the rank as well as various effective ranks and add them into the file properties/effective_ranks.txt.
  • compute_singular_values_dscm_upper_bounds contains the functions to compute the upper bounds of the soft configuration models.
  • The scripts singular_values_<random graph name> allow to generate the results for Fig. 2b to 2i.
  • The scripts effective_ranks_<random graph name> allow to generate the results for Fig. 2j to 2m.

Plotting the results

The plot/ folder contains the configuration parameters and functions to plot the figures of the paper, singular values, weight matrices, etc.

  • config_params.py contains the configuration parameters for the plots.
  • plot_fig_1b_drosophila_network.py, plot_fig_1d_drosophila_singular_values.py, plot_fig_1e_singular_values_real_networks.py, plot_fig_1f_effective_rank_vs_rank_scatterplot.py and plot_fig_1go_effective_rank_to_dimension_ratio_densities.py generate subfigures for Fig. 1, which is then assembled on Inkscape.
  • plot_fig_2bm_three_indicators_random_graphs.py generates Figs. 2b to 2m, which is then assembled on Inkscape.
  • plot_fig_4_error_vector_fields.py generates Fig. 4 with the alignment errors and the bifurcations/trajectories.
  • The scripts with the form plot_fig_SI_<figures name>.py allow to generate the figures for the supplementary information of the paper.
  • plot_singular_values.py contains the functions to generate scree plots or histograms for the singular values of one or many networks. The function plot_singular_values gives the scree plots with the effective ranks, the cumulative explained variance and the y axis in log if desired.
  • plot/figures/png/singular_values contains plots of the singular values of various real networks in png, while plot/figures/pdf/singular_values contains the pdfs.

Unit tests

Unit tests are in the folder tests/ and are seperated in three: tests/test_dynamics/, tests/test_graphs/, and tests/test_singular_values/.

  • The tests in tests/test_dynamics/ ensure that the complete dynamics and the reduced dynamics coincide in tensor form at $n=N$ (scripts test_<dynamics' name>}) and that the $x'$ and Jacobian matrices (found analytically or numerically) to compute the upper bound on the alignment error are correct (scripts test_error_vector_fields_<dynamics' name>).

  • The tests in tests/test_graphs/test_compute_tensors.py ensure that the tensors arising in the dimension reduction are well computed numerically. Simple speed tests for different methods (einsum, matmul, loop) to compute the tensors are also available. We also provide tests for the random graph generators (tests/test_graphs/test_generate_<random graph name>.py).

  • The tests tests/test_singular_values/test_compute_effective_ranks.py ensure that the effective ranks thrank and shrank under different norms (frobenius, spectral/operator, nuclear) gives the correct value in a simple example of a matrix of rank 20. thrank and shrank with different norms are also compared for the drosophila connectome. The script tests/test_singular_values/test_compute_svd.py contains simple tests for functions introduced in singular_values/compute_svd.py. Finally, the tests in tests/test_singular_values/test_optimal_shrinkage.py ensure that for a given matrix shrank and thrank under different norms give the same results as the Matlab scripts optimal_shrinkage.m [Gavish, Matan and Donoho, David. (2016). Code Supplement for "Optimal Shrinkage of Singular Values". Stanford Digital Repository. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/kv623gt2817] and optimal_SVHT_coef.m [Donoho, David and Gavish, Matan. (2014). Code supplement to "The Optimal Hard Threshold for Singular Values is 4/sqrt(3)". Stanford Digital Repository. Available at: https://purl.stanford.edu/vg705qn9070].


  • Python 3.6
  • Numpy 1.15.4
  • Scipy 1.5.4
  • Matplotlib 2.2.2.