
ESP8266 sender and receiver using ESP NOW

Primary LanguageC++


esp8266 Now Range Test

ESP8266 sender and receiver using ESP NOW. Aim of this repo is to provide you with a simplies code to test range of ESP Now. You will need two ESP8266 boards. Build and upload receiver and sender to them. Sender send a message every 100ms.

Receiver flashs internal LED everytime it receives a message. This allows you to walk around and easily check whether internal LED on receiver is blinking and thus has a connection.

Sender also flash internal LED everytime has received a confirmation,


  • Clone or download this repo and open it in VS Code with installed PlatformIO extension.
  • Connect ESP8266 with USB cable.
  • Select correct TTY port.
  • Comment and uncomment env_default line in platformio.ini file.
  • Build and upload it to ESP8266