
Frontend Test Task with WebSocket

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Test Task with WebSocket


  • Your goal is to create a website like the one in the video fe-test-task.mov
  • The site must consume data from WebSocket and display it in a table.
  • It must display the top 10 users, sorted by score, highest to lowest. If there are already at least 10 rows, and a new entry arrives from WebSocket, but it has a lower score than the existing top 10, then it should be ignored and not added to the list.
  • The number of displayed results can be configured in Settings tab. By default it's 10.
  • Each row has a delete button, clicking that will remove the row.


  • The backend service that emits the random data already exists and can be used as is.
  • To start it, you need to have Node.js installed, change directory to "emitter" and, run "npm i" and "npm start".
  • It will start a Socket.io server on ws://localhost:3050


  • Use React with hooks, TypeScript, WebSocket. Any other technologies are optional.
  • You don't need to persist any data.
  • The example in video uses Material UI.
  • Your solution should include the same visual elements as in video, but the design doesn't have to be an exact match.
  • Push your code to GitHub and share it with your hiring contact.