Ubuntu post-installation script

This is the script to install & config a Ubuntu dev machine. Tested with Ubuntu 16.04. #DRY.


  • No password for sudo
  • git
  • tree
  • zsh, oh-my-zsh
  • tmux (configured with zsh)
  • vim, awesome_vimrc
  • OpenSSH-Server
  • LAMP, Apache & PHP
  • .Net Core
  • Oracle JDK 8
  • Docker
  • Google Chrome
  • Sublime Text
  • Indicator Netspeed
  • AppGrid

How to use

After system installation, run the command below under your non-root account:

wget -q -O- --header="Cache-Control: no-cache" "https://goo.gl/HhvNlV"  | sh


curl -sSL "https://goo.gl/HhvNlV" -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' | sh