Mongoose Count & Find

Mongoose Count & Find is a Mongoose plugin that provides a method, countAndFind(), for performing a count and a find at the same time. The point is to provide a count in addition to a set of matching documents. The important thing to note is that as with countAndfind() behaves just like find() you can use limit() and skip(), but these will only affect the set of matching documents fetched, not the count. This makes for simpler code when dealing with paginated results via REST.

countAndFind() has exactly the same signature and behavior as the built in find() method with one exception. The countAndFind() calls back with the total count of documents matching the query conditions in addition to the expected array of documents.

Contact.countAndFind({ name: /^R/ }, function(err, contacts, contactCount) {
  // contacts is [
  //   {
  //     _id      : 568da29c1fd5055957c88f4c,
  //     name     : 'Robert Hurst',
  //     createdAt: Mon Jan 04 2016 16:39:23 GMT-0800 (PST),
  //     updatedAt: Wed Jan 06 2016 16:39:23 GMT-0800 (PST)
  //   }, {
  //     _id      : 568da29c1fd5055957c88f4c,
  //     name     : 'Rick Xu',
  //     createdAt: Thur Jan 07 2016 16:39:23 GMT-0800 (PST),
  //     updatedAt: Thur Jan 07 2016 16:39:24 GMT-0800 (PST)
  //   },
  // ];
  // contactCount is 2

Contact.countAndFind({ name: /^R/ })
  .sort([['name', -1]])
  .exec(function(err, contacts, contactCount) {
    // contacts is [
    //   {
    //     _id      : 568da29c1fd5055957c88f4c,
    //     name     : 'Robert Hurst',
    //     createdAt: Mon Jan 04 2016 16:39:23 GMT-0800 (PST),
    //     updatedAt: Wed Jan 06 2016 16:39:23 GMT-0800 (PST)
    //   }
    // ];
    // contactCount is 2