
This is the final package for the Capstone course I took at Brookdale Community College in the Spring of 2017.

Primary LanguageJava


This is the final package for the Capstone course I took at Brookdale Community College in the Spring of 2017.

PLESE NOTE: To get the database working, you need XAMPP.

Start up XAMPP and launch Apache, MySQL, and Tomcat

Once they are all up and running, click on the Admin button. Your default browser will open to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.

Go to import, and choose the file create_adv_soft_proj.MySQL

Click "go". 7 quefreies should execute

Open up eclipse and import the project.

Highlight the project, and in eclipse, Project -> Java Build Path, and click on add external Jars.

Navigate to mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar and click Open

Click apply, then OK.

Reboot eclipse

If you have any issues, please feel free to Email me at Robert.Leslie1997@gmail.com