
Lightweight standalone javascript library to plot charts, pies, river, or histograms

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

harry plotter 0.9e

L nikopol 2009-2015

what's that

harry is a lightweight standalone javascript library to plot data as charts, pies, donuts, lines or curves.

samples can be viewed here
a generator, that let's you play with all parameters can be used here


  • browser supporting canvas required (Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Safari,IE9+,iOS)

key features

  • mono or multi dataset
  • mouseover support
  • lightweight (15k minified)
  • standalone
  • highly configurable
  • basic animation


//everything in the constructor is optional
//if data are provided, the graph is directly drawn

var h=harry({

	//datas can be provided in these formats :
	datas: [v1,v2,v3,...],        //simple dataset values
	datas: {l1:v1,l2:v2,l3:v3,..},//simple dataset labels/values
	datas: [[v1,v2],[w1,w2],...], //multiple dataset values
	datas: {                      //simple dataset with optionaly labels, color and title
		values: [v1,v2,...],      //  excepting values, all keys are
		labels: [l1,l2,...],      //  optionals in this format
		title: "my dataset #1",   //  values can also be an hash {label:value,...}
		color: "#fc0"
	datas: [                      //multiple dataset with label,color and title
		{ values:[...],labels:[...],title:"...",color:"..." },
		{ values:[...],labels:[...],title:"...",color:"..." }


	id: "str",                    //canvas's id, by default "harry"+count++
	container: "str/elem",	      //container where create canvas, default=body
	canvas: "str/elem",           //canvas element, default=create it into container
	width: int,                   //canvas's width, default=canvas or container width
	height: int,                  //canvas's height, default=canvas or container height

	background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" //background color, default=transparent
	color: "#rgb",                //allow to specify a color for a simple dataset
	mode: "curve:stack",          //draw mode, can be:
	                              //  pie          cheesecake
	                              //  pie:donut    cheesecake
	                              //  chart        histogram, side by side
	                              //  chart:stack  stacked histograms
	                              //  chart:vertical  vert. histograms
	                              //  chart:stack:vertical  vert. stacked histograms
	                              //  line         lines (default)
	                              //  line:stack   stacked lines
	                              //  curve        curved lines
	                              //  curve:stack  stacked curved lines
	barspace: int,                //space between bars for mode chart only, default=auto
	linewidth: int,               //line width, default=1
	linejoin: "round",            //line join, can be round|bevel|miter default=miter
	fill: "vertical",             //fill style (only first letter matter), can be:
	                              //  none         without fills
	                              //  solid        uniform fill (default)
	                              //  light        lighten color
	                              //  dark         darken color
	                              //  vertical     vertical gradient fill
	                              //  horizontal   horizontal gradient fill
	                              //  radial       radial gradient fill
	opacity: 0.8,                 //fill opacity, between 0 and 1
	margins:[top,right,bot,left], //margin size (for labels), default=auto
	autoscale: "top+bottom",      //auto round top and/or bottom y scale, default=none
	pointradius: int,             //radius point size in mode line/curve only, default=none
	anim: int,                    //initial animation duration in seconds, default=disabled

	title: {                      //title options
		text: "title",            //  clear enough
		font:'9px "Trebuchet MS"',//  font size & family, default=bold 12px "Sans Serif"
		color: "rgba(4,4,4,0.3)", //  font color, default=rgba(4,4,4,0.3)
		shadow: "x,y,blur,#col",  //  text shadow, default=none
		x: 5,                     //  title position left position
		y: 10,                    //  title position top position
		z: "background"           //  behind or on top of the graph, default=top

	labels: {                     //axis labels options
		font: "9px Trebuchet MS", //  font size & family, important:use px size,
		                          //    default=normal 9px "Sans Serif"
		color: "#a0a0a0",         //  font color, default=a0a0a0
		shadow: "x,y,blur,#col",  //  label text shadow, default=none
		y: [0,50,100],            //  y axis, numbers are %, default=none
		ypos: "left+right",       //  y labels position, default=right
		x: int,                   //  x axis, display 1/int labels, 1=all..., default=none
		marks: int                //  graduation's marks size, default=0

	legends: {                    //set to false to disable legends box, default=auto
		x: int,                   //  left corner position, default=5
		y: int,                   //  top corner position,  default=5
		background: "rgba(180,180,180,0.5)",//background color, default=rgba(255,255,255,0.5)
		border: "#fff",           //  legends border color, default=none
		shadowbox: "x,y,b,#col",  //  legends box shadow, default=none
		border2: "#fff",          //  color box border color, default=none
		color: "#000",            //  text color, default, #666
		shadow: "x,y,blur,#col",  //  legends text shadow, default=none
		font:'9px "Trebuchet MS"' //  font size & family, default=normal 10px "Sans Serif"
		layout: 'h'               //  legends layout h(orizontal) or v(ertical) default=v

	grid: {                       //grid options
		color:"#a0a0a0",          //  grid color, default=#a0a0a0
		y: [0,50,100],            //  y axis, numbers are %, default=[0,25,50,75,100]
		x: [0,100]                //  x axis, numbers are %, default=[0,100]


	mouseover: {,                 //set to false to disable mouseover, default=enabled
		sort: true,               //  sort values, default=false
		bullet: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",//  bullet background color, default=rgba(99,99,99,0.8)
		border: "#fc0",           //  bullet border color, default=none,
		shadowbox: "x,y,b,#col",  //  bullet box shadow, default=none
		font: "9px Trebuchet MS", //  bullet text font, default=normal 9px "Sans Serif"
		color: "#666",            //  bullet text color, default=#fff
		shadow: "x,y,blur,#col",  //  bullet text shadow, default=none
		radius: int,              //  spot radius, default=5
		linewidth: int,           //  spot linewidth, default=linewidth below,0=fill
		circle: "#888888",        //  spot color, default=#888
		border2: "#fff",          //  spot color, default=none
		axis: "xy|x|y",           //  draw spot axis, default=none
		text: "%v",               //  text in the bullet (%v=value %l=label %n=index %t=title)
		text: "%v",               //  text in the bullet
		                          //      %v=value %l=label %n=index %t=title %s=sum
		                          //      %V=abbreviated value %S=abbreviated sum
		text: callback(params)    //  or text can trigger a callback called with an object
		                          //     {v:..., l:..., n:.. ,...} as defined before
		                          //     if it returns a string, it'll be displayed
		header: {                 //  header in the bullet 
			text: "%v",               //  text in the bullet (same var than mouseover.text)
			font: "9px Trebuchet MS", //  bullet header font, default=mouveover.font
			color: "#666",            //  bullet text color, default=mouseover.color
			shadow: "x,y,blur,#col",  //  bullet text shadow, default=none

//or (same effect)

var h=plotter({...});


h.clear()             //delete all dataset
 .load(data)          //add a dataset, see contructor
 .draw();             //draw all dataset
 .draw(mode);         //draw all dataset in a specific mode

short sample

<canvas id="box" height="50" width="100"></canvas>
