
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/vcf-tab-to-fasta

Primary LanguagePerl

Information on vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl

Quick Start Instructions

Download script from this Google Drive folder

This is a tiny script to take all the SNPs in a VCF tabular file and concatenate them into a FASTA alignment. The tabular input file is created using the VCFtools utility vcf-to-tab:

zcat input.vcf.gz | vcf-to-tab > snps.tab

This will make a file that looks like this:

$ head input.vcf.tab
chr10	94051	C	./	./	./	./	./	T/T
chr10	94056	T	./	./	./	./	./	C/C
chr10	94180	G	./	A/A	./	./	./	./

Hopefully with less missing data. Then you can convert this into a FASTA alignment with:

perl vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl -i snps.tab > all_snps.fasta

Add the optional --exclude_het flag to exclude heterozygous sites:

perl vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl --exclude_het -i snps.tab > no_hets.fasta

Add the optional --output_ref flag to output the reference genome allele:

perl vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl --output_ref -i snps.tab > all_snps_with_ref.fasta

Mini Example

First check out the script and associated data with this command:

svn checkout http://vcf-tab-to-fasta.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ vcf-tab-to-fasta

This should download everything into a directory named vcf-tab-to-fasta. There are some small vcf-tab example files in the example_data directory, named chr22snps_head.tab and chrYsnps_head.tab. These were created using the VCFtools utility vcf-to-tab:

Once that's done, move into the directory:

cd vcf-tab-to-fasta

We can run the script to concatenate SNPs into a FASTA format file. First for chromosome 22:

perl vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl -i example_data/chr22snps_head.tab > chr22snps_head.fasta

And then for chromosome Y:

perl vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl -i example_data/chrYsnps_head.tab > chrYsnps_head.fasta

Now there should be two new FASTA files, chr22snps_head.fasta and chrYsnps_head.fasta. Let's make sure everthing worked OK. We can look at the 4th column of the chr22 tab data with this command:

awk '{print $4}' example_data/chr22snps_head.tab

The result is this:


We can see that same individual, HG00096, in the FASTA file with this command:

grep -A1 "HG00096" chr22snps_head.fasta

The result is this. (Remember, S is the IUPAC code for G or C.)


Similarly, for the haploid Y data, the sixth column can be viewed with:

awk '{print $6}'  example_data/chrYsnps_head.tab

Which results in:


By looking at the same individual in the FASTA file...

grep -A1 "HG00103" chrYsnps_head.fasta

We see that the conversion worked well:


Full Run Example - 1000 Genomes

First, download 1000 Genomes SNPs in VCF format for chr22

wget ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/phase1/analysis_results/integrated_call_sets/ALL.chr22.integrated_phase1_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz
wget ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/phase1/analysis_results/integrated_call_sets/ALL.chr22.integrated_phase1_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz.tbi

...and for chrY

wget ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/phase1/analysis_results/integrated_call_sets/ALL.chrY.phase1_samtools_si.20101123.snps.low_coverage.genotypes.vcf.gz
wget ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/phase1/analysis_results/integrated_call_sets/ALL.chrY.phase1_samtools_si.20101123.snps.low_coverage.genotypes.vcf.gz.tbi

Make a tabular VCF file with VCFtools utility vcf-to-tab for chr22 and chrY.

zcat ALL.chr22.integrated_phase1_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz | vcf-to-tab > chr22snps.tab
zcat ALL.chrY.phase1_samtools_si.20101123.snps.low_coverage.genotypes.vcf.gz  | vcf-to-tab > chrYsnps.tab

Download script from this Google Drive folder

Finally, concatenate SNPs into a FASTA format file with vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment:

perl vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl -i chr22snps.tab > chr22snps.fasta
perl vcf_tab_to_fasta_alignment.pl -i chrYsnps.tab  > chrYsnps.fasta