
bpmn.io BPMN process diagrams editing & Camunda properties panel within Angular app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular BPMN Sample project

This is a simple project demonstrating how to integrate Angular (6) with the BPMN-JS components. It is the some rewrite of the project integrating Angular2 with BPMN-JS: https://github.com/narve/ang2-bpmnjs

NB: This project is not affiliated with / created by / endorsed by (etc) Camunda/BPMN.IO or anybody but myself.

To run this project:

git clone git@github.com:abryukhov/angular-bpmn-io.git
cd angular-bpmn-io
npm install
ng serve 

Then look at http://localhost:4200

Features / Status

  • Angular CLI based project

  • No installation / setup required, besides node/npm

  • Tested on Linux and Windows (plain Powershell, not Git Bash)

  • Async loading of a sample BPMN diagram

  • Properties panel

  • Surprisingly little actual code (including configuration files!)

  • Hopefully usable as a template / inspiration for actual production use

  • Hopefully as future-proof as any front-end code can be these days